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  • Congratulatoins!

    why do email spammers even spam me if they have to deliver thier ads like this?

    Congratulatoins! You were a p proved for special New
    Year M o rt gage program. You can refi na n ce
    with 3.2% and get your c as h for the holidays
    in just 3 days.

    Use this link to activate your egift
    and Have a Happy Holiday.

    Lionel Mayes
    PR Department
    Four l e nder s have a p prove d you for the nations r at es
    of under 3 /%. Please continue to lock in and start

    Thank you.

    Marcie - 22 Department

    Our database records indicate we will be able to a p prov e you
    for a m ortga g e / re-fin a n ce for up to 250k for 4.0 deal.

    If you are interested we advise you to act ASAP.

    We need some information from you to finish up the process.

    Have a nice day,
    Garrett Christian
    Think getting a 1.95 % . ra . t e . is impossible?

    Think AGAIN!

    We can offer you the absolute rock-bottom . lowe s t . ra t e, g u a ranteed.

    We work with all . c r edit types. Visit our site now

    Last edited by Overburn; 12-22-2004, 05:15 PM.
    Like, there was this ninja who got
    ticked off at some people who kept
    talking while he was trying to rock
    out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
    flipped out and sang at them till
    they all exploded!!! (true story.)

  • #2
    because people still sign up


    • #3
      I hate people
      Like, there was this ninja who got
      ticked off at some people who kept
      talking while he was trying to rock
      out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
      flipped out and sang at them till
      they all exploded!!! (true story.)


      • #4
        They do that to try to get around spam filters.


        • #5
          how did they get my email in the first place, I never used it to sign up with anything :/
          Like, there was this ninja who got
          ticked off at some people who kept
          talking while he was trying to rock
          out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
          flipped out and sang at them till
          they all exploded!!! (true story.)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Overburn
            how did they get my email in the first place, I never used it to sign up with anything :/
            I doubt that's true. I tried to give out my gmail email to only reliable sources because I didnt want any spam. Even the people who you think are reliable sell your email off to some company's email list. You probably gave out your email somewhere and just forgot about it.
            audit> and btw, im your fan!

            DeeZ NuTs> time to own
            DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
            Azreal> LOloL
            cook> ROFL

            R.I.P VENOM


            • #7
              If I did give it out, it would have been 5 years ago.
              Im just pissed becasue spam is so fucking useless :chair:
              Like, there was this ninja who got
              ticked off at some people who kept
              talking while he was trying to rock
              out on his guitar, so the ninja totally
              flipped out and sang at them till
              they all exploded!!! (true story.)


              • #8
                Is there anyway to stop it?


                • #9
                  The only way to stop spam is to turn off the internet. The WHOLE internet.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by StackOverflow
                    The only way to stop spam is to turn off the internet. The WHOLE internet.
                    its driving me crazy. i cant remember where that is from. so where is it from??


                    • #11
                      I like the \/1Ag|2a's and the |\|0rt0|\|'s
                      I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                      • #12
                        those are letters.

                        Ohh where was I know? Yes, god bless the world for spammers, for they are the lifeblood, no, the bone marrow of modern economicacy(wouldn't it be crazy if economy became economicacy? say it, it sticks to you). Big corporations have nothing but money to spend, and they want more money so they will put some into advertising! And with the internet coming into this being with the majority of all "taget subjects" (teenagers) on it, it's only natural that things take a more evolved choice in how and where they do their "investing". And now, instead of going to school for advertising, you go to school for computers to go into the biggest of advertising. You have to make something that brings in the emails and then you can sell each one!
                        No more hiring focus groups, no more designers trying to appeal to what's "cool", just a program and a list of emails which could be considered product now. Less cost and a greater rate or distance of reaching people with your message! It is like 1+2!
                        Or maybe that's not how it is, but it seems that way, and it does do something enonomicacily.

                        Fuck I meant.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by iKillburger
                          its driving me crazy. i cant remember where that is from. so where is it from??
                          It's from inside my brain. You should see it sometime.


                          • #14
                            why do you read your spam?
                            Throughout time, there’s been
                            crimes, throughout our history
                            But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
                            Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
                            Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

                            Come on my countrymen
                            Come on and take a stand
                            Don’t let ‘em take away your land

                            the Wenger bus is coming
                            and all the kids are running
                            from London to Manchester
                            cos he's a child molester

                            fuck islam


                            • #15
                              isnt this tech support ? dam stop posting useful th-ings h e r e

                              i want USE LESS C R A P
                              8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
                              8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
                              8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
                              8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
                              8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
                              8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...

