I've just watched a Letterman show and he had Howard Stern on talking about how he's moving to satelite broadcasting because he's a victim of strong censorship.
He got fined in millions of dollars for his "explicit" talk, and it also came out in the conversation between the two that there are 3 companies that own about 60% of all radio stations in the US (haven't checked this info tho).
Story on H. Stern:
New world order, eh. Few rich people that own basically everything, want to control everything [...count it up and these three (Comcast, Time Warner and Walt Disney) companies own 31 of the 49 most popular television channels. To put it another way: just three companies control almost two-thirds (63%) of our favorite TV channels.
source: http://www.signalalpha.com/html/who_owns_what.html ]
Where will this lead ? I mean, coupled with republicans and right wing christians, Bush and all those other old fanatic fucks it's not looking that good for the US, and lets be honest, for the rest of the world since US has the most influence on the world.
Just remember all that fuss going on about Janet Jackson's TIT. A breast, fucking boobie showing on tv, and people go crazy like we're talking about live necrophilia act. Movies getting cut, music not played, dj's fined, tv show hosts fired, and everything because they used "explicit" W O R D S.
What is the fucking point ?
Even if you say: I saw her...umm..you know...lower parts...
Everyone will know you ment PUSSY, so you just might wanna say it and spare us few minutes of coming up with describing but non explicit words.
and that's just sexual wordings...I'd be stuck here for days if I tried to cover the rest.
Do comment, no matter what side you're on
He got fined in millions of dollars for his "explicit" talk, and it also came out in the conversation between the two that there are 3 companies that own about 60% of all radio stations in the US (haven't checked this info tho).
Story on H. Stern:
New world order, eh. Few rich people that own basically everything, want to control everything [...count it up and these three (Comcast, Time Warner and Walt Disney) companies own 31 of the 49 most popular television channels. To put it another way: just three companies control almost two-thirds (63%) of our favorite TV channels.
source: http://www.signalalpha.com/html/who_owns_what.html ]
Where will this lead ? I mean, coupled with republicans and right wing christians, Bush and all those other old fanatic fucks it's not looking that good for the US, and lets be honest, for the rest of the world since US has the most influence on the world.
Just remember all that fuss going on about Janet Jackson's TIT. A breast, fucking boobie showing on tv, and people go crazy like we're talking about live necrophilia act. Movies getting cut, music not played, dj's fined, tv show hosts fired, and everything because they used "explicit" W O R D S.
What is the fucking point ?
Even if you say: I saw her...umm..you know...lower parts...
Everyone will know you ment PUSSY, so you just might wanna say it and spare us few minutes of coming up with describing but non explicit words.
and that's just sexual wordings...I'd be stuck here for days if I tried to cover the rest.
Do comment, no matter what side you're on