violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk
[Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
[Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
The only TWOTIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard Creager
All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
well according to a very spiteful female player, if u have a girly name like "Cutie-now-girl" or maybe even "Suzie-bj" u will get staff in a month. could always try that route.
"You will never be staff" and now hes a TwL-op. lol
NO Boys Allowed Forums
NoBA status:Recuiting
NO comment by lunar here what so ever
Enjoys: Stealing Dameon angells kills
Thrashing> "That'll be 25.99, thank you for buying, please come again"
Thrashing> "LET'S FUCK!"
Thrashing> Like that, Ott?
Catgirl> rofl
Missy> o.O im so leaving this chat
Kim> hal, say fit of rage sucks ballz
fit of r> here, i'll do it for you
fit of r> I SUCK BALLS
Kim> loool
I dont know about that. I could be a philisophical ass and ask "whats a vet?", but i wont :P Anyways, There have ben a lot of people who become staff whom i've never seen or heard of. Maybe i've just been out of the loop to long. Anyways, i wish how it worked too <_<