Any naked picture of a hot girl on the internet consists sorely of a long string of 1's and 0's, that when interpreted by a processor, is transfered into a two dimensional dot matrix consisting a combination of only 3 colors. When the photons emitted from the monitor are received by your eyes, an electrical signal is sent ... (and we don't need to know the rest)
Fear the 1's and 0's, they are evil, EVIL!! :shaun:
Written by telcat, 1:43am on 15th Jan 2005 Sydney time
No right is reserved (because I have no way to stop you from stealing my work :fear: ).
Fear the 1's and 0's, they are evil, EVIL!! :shaun:
Written by telcat, 1:43am on 15th Jan 2005 Sydney time
No right is reserved (because I have no way to stop you from stealing my work :fear: ).