Main Entry: yar·boo·zle
Pronunciation: yawr-boo-zuhl
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -zl·ed; -zl·ing
Etymology: Latin Yarboozus, past participle of Yarboozinare, from Yarrrrrrr!- Pirate + Booze- alcoholic beverage
transitive senses : To violently shake multiple kittens contained in a burlap sack.
intransitive senses : To long for consumption of milkshakes.
synonym see AVAST YE
Main Entry: yar·boo·zle
Pronunciation: yawr-boo-zuhl
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -zl·ed; -zl·ing
Etymology: Latin Yarboozus, past participle of Yarboozinare, from Yarrrrrrr!- Pirate + Booze- alcoholic beverage
transitive senses : To violently shake multiple kittens contained in a burlap sack.
intransitive senses : To long for consumption of milkshakes.
synonym see AVAST YE