SS Usage Posting - [Mine GO BOOM] January 12, 2001
Just some neat little stats for the top 100 usage per name:
Name Usage (hours)
Robo Ref 13099.62
RoboRef-1 12140.48
RoboRef-2 11878.94
RoboRef-3 11659.00
ULBot-2 11493.15
Robo Ref 1 11487.79
ULBot-1 11467.08
RoboRef-4 11243.85
Robo-2 10298.48
Robo-3 10286.75
Robo-1 10282.44
AMBot-2 10173.06
AMBot-3 10170.41
AMBot-1 10166.05
roboref-5 10138.92
roboref-6 9856.16
Robo-4 9176.70
Robo-5 8835.25
AMBot-4 8576.16
ULBot-3 7701.01
PriitK 6368.91
Mr. Arrogant 5671.34
battlecity tom 5055.02
Robo Ref 2 5038.40
DoCk> 4809.12
Pointman 4236.02
Wix 4075.02
Nasty Devil 4007.49
PB-Bot-Master 3621.25
YoMama!!! 3599.40
MsgBot 3550.75
Mom. 3525.17
Snoops 3447.65
Foxxy 3423.82
MAC Man 3385.99
Gruntster 3337.93
PracBot-2 3270.49
ZippyDan 3269.16
PracBot-1 3265.55
Sika 3261.10
PracBot-3 3243.99
Blind-Eye 3199.76
Arilou Lalee'lay 3190.85
Psycho Psematic 3170.24
PB-Bot-Public-1 3164.52
divine.216 3163.88
Evaugh 3146.78
Largo 3068.35
EG-Bot-1 3050.59
Snacks 3050.57
Sephiroso 3048.04
Garcon 3036.38
Shanky.comBot 3000.31
Red 5 2974.90
The Junky 2916.99
DN 2913.05
Enemy 2846.01
numpf 2837.47
KJW 2799.66
Trav 2788.01
Legacy 2785.82
Robo-Ref 2760.43
PB-Bot-League-1 2714.63
Up in ya !! 2586.11
Dark Stalker 2584.75
xlt 2554.29
FireSauce 2533.69
Tjatte 2519.56
TargetLock 2515.00
zombie28 2493.08
Reverend Touchy 2464.39
Devil's Dad 2456.41
Five Venoms 2417.55
LaBum 2379.23
Bambi 2376.09
Chemical 2369.36
Pempu 2363.06
Dequadin 2352.48
Mr. Hat 2344.02
ULRoboRef 2342.72
G ! 2329.00
Extreme Pickle 2328.26
CoNfUsEs 2327.85
C H I R P 2312.54
Underlord 2311.33
Ayden 2310.72
Heart Break Kid 2292.32
sprider1 2282.62
Pharaffin 2271.40
MasterHZBot 2267.31
Hook 2267.15
sleezy 2261.82
Tailchaser 2246.30
BugKiller 2239.31
GoldwinG 2207.54
Pimp Daddy 2206.66
EGRoboRef 2204.91
BadMojo 2202.34
Enlade 2200.84
from: 's news archives
Just some neat little stats for the top 100 usage per name:
Name Usage (hours)
Robo Ref 13099.62
RoboRef-1 12140.48
RoboRef-2 11878.94
RoboRef-3 11659.00
ULBot-2 11493.15
Robo Ref 1 11487.79
ULBot-1 11467.08
RoboRef-4 11243.85
Robo-2 10298.48
Robo-3 10286.75
Robo-1 10282.44
AMBot-2 10173.06
AMBot-3 10170.41
AMBot-1 10166.05
roboref-5 10138.92
roboref-6 9856.16
Robo-4 9176.70
Robo-5 8835.25
AMBot-4 8576.16
ULBot-3 7701.01
PriitK 6368.91
Mr. Arrogant 5671.34
battlecity tom 5055.02
Robo Ref 2 5038.40
DoCk> 4809.12
Pointman 4236.02
Wix 4075.02
Nasty Devil 4007.49
PB-Bot-Master 3621.25
YoMama!!! 3599.40
MsgBot 3550.75
Mom. 3525.17
Snoops 3447.65
Foxxy 3423.82
MAC Man 3385.99
Gruntster 3337.93
PracBot-2 3270.49
ZippyDan 3269.16
PracBot-1 3265.55
Sika 3261.10
PracBot-3 3243.99
Blind-Eye 3199.76
Arilou Lalee'lay 3190.85
Psycho Psematic 3170.24
PB-Bot-Public-1 3164.52
divine.216 3163.88
Evaugh 3146.78
Largo 3068.35
EG-Bot-1 3050.59
Snacks 3050.57
Sephiroso 3048.04
Garcon 3036.38
Shanky.comBot 3000.31
Red 5 2974.90
The Junky 2916.99
DN 2913.05
Enemy 2846.01
numpf 2837.47
KJW 2799.66
Trav 2788.01
Legacy 2785.82
Robo-Ref 2760.43
PB-Bot-League-1 2714.63
Up in ya !! 2586.11
Dark Stalker 2584.75
xlt 2554.29
FireSauce 2533.69
Tjatte 2519.56
TargetLock 2515.00
zombie28 2493.08
Reverend Touchy 2464.39
Devil's Dad 2456.41
Five Venoms 2417.55
LaBum 2379.23
Bambi 2376.09
Chemical 2369.36
Pempu 2363.06
Dequadin 2352.48
Mr. Hat 2344.02
ULRoboRef 2342.72
G ! 2329.00
Extreme Pickle 2328.26
CoNfUsEs 2327.85
C H I R P 2312.54
Underlord 2311.33
Ayden 2310.72
Heart Break Kid 2292.32
sprider1 2282.62
Pharaffin 2271.40
MasterHZBot 2267.31
Hook 2267.15
sleezy 2261.82
Tailchaser 2246.30
BugKiller 2239.31
GoldwinG 2207.54
Pimp Daddy 2206.66
EGRoboRef 2204.91
BadMojo 2202.34
Enlade 2200.84
from: 's news archives