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  • #46
    Warrior Monk - Warrior which could heal himself and provide backup healing and resurrecting where needed. That's the class that I am, perfect for small groups and soloing.

    Warrior Elementalist - Up close Warrior Melee expertise with the long range effectiveness of a mage. A very nice combo, used one of those in beta.

    Warrior Mesmer - You can use your mesmer skills to cripple your opponent before going in for the strike

    Warrior Necromancer - A good mix of long range spells, crippling hexes, and you can raise the dead to help fight with you

    Warrior Ranger - You can keep a pet by your side for combat, use a bow and arrow and switch back to the sword and shield on the fly effectively.

    Stabwound, your invite is in, just hit G and accept the Guild invite


    • #47
      Originally posted by Stabwound
      So what are your characters names?
      Peli Dash

      Very Uber leet don't you think.

      Short story about the username Peli, In FF Online there's a random name generator and it came up with something like Pelilorgerotic and I thought 'I'll be an FF geek and shorten it to 4 letters, like in the old FF games'. Little did I know, and soon found out, that Peli means pussy in one language, game in another. It seems to have a different meaning in every country. In GW you have to name your characters with 2 names so I thought, Dash is kool word I'll make it that. Thanks for paying attention to me for 2 minutes.


      • #48
        fuck that, I'm buying a new hard drive and saving for a PSP. I can go without it.


        • #49
          Someone invite me back onto the guild. I deleted my old guy and my new one is STABWOUND THE GRIM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Heatha
            The 8 skills lock is there so you have to think before you start a mission. Not have 200 skills at hand and ,well, just slaughter you victims without to much thought.
            Actually, I thought the 8 skill lot was supposed to lend some variety to classes in PvP, since two War/Elm characters could, in theory, have completely different skill loadouts, and thus play very differently. Although this looks great on the surface, like the CCG comparison someone made earlier, it's just going to mean forced expansion purchasing so you don't fall behind the damage/skill curve. The game balance is going to go to shit after every expansion basically.

            Also, at least GW has some sort of a story. It's no R.A. Salvatore, but it's still worthy. ^-^
            I'm sorry, but I could get two 10 year old D&D players to come up with a more intriguing plot than the drivel GW has cooked up.

            One thing I remember hating about GW during beta was the absolutely boring soloing. I just remember being bored to tears "exploring". Did they ever do anything to improve this?


            • #51
              Meh, who gives a shit. All this fight is, is WoW players vs. GW players.

              Anyway, here's a funny picture that I took earlier. I was just sitting around and noticed it looked funny.



              • #52
                Lol, go clipping. Btw: Salvage your shit! :P


                • #53
                  I had a funny one of what looked like I was being fellated by some woman dancing.

                  So I started dancing too where I bobbed my knees. Looked like we were both getting into it


                  • #54
                    As Stabwound stated this is just a WoW vs GW "fight." I can counter all your comments, but really there is no point. You don't have to play GW for whatever reasons you can come up with. I personally enjoy GW for the exploration of the large map, not being player killed every five seconds, and because it's very inexpensive. It's not the best MMORPG out there, but it's sure as hell better than 80% of them out there. I don't have to kill rats for 5 hours straight. :thumbsup:


                    • #55
                      I wouldn't be playing GW if it weren't for my horrible experience starting out.

                      8:00 pm: First Logon. Everything is all nice and set. I decided to make a Tauren, cause they seemed to be the best for Warriors, when I started.

                      8:15 pm: I land in this land, which is foreign to me, but apparently the homeworld of the Tauren people. Wide open plains, and some huts. I begin to go around the town doing mundane quests such as Kill 5 of these rabbit things.

                      9:00 pm: Did a couple of quests and got a few levels, things are going steady.

                      9:05 pm: Walking to the neighboring town, what do I see? Oh, its a large cat. Well, I don't think I'll just run past it, and take it out later, I'm not in the mood for fighting.

                      9:06 pm: No sooner than I walk past this cat, I hear of night elves in the town. So, I go check it out.

                      9:07 pm: Back in the town, I see 3 night elves going around killing everyone.

                      9:08 pm: Being the last guy left in the town, I hit a night elf for 0 damage and then die.

                      9:08 pm to 9:38 pm: Spent being spawn killed and then logging off in disgust.

                      9:40 pm: Back in the game, the Night Elves seem to be gone, I'll now walk to that town.

                      9:42 pm: Hmm, I see that cat again, shit. I'm now followed by these 3 elves and they keep killing everything before I can get to it, to steal my xp, basically. Well, I got tired of it, and hit one of them for 0 damage. They /laugh and then kill me.

                      9:50 pm: I continue to be spawn killed before I logoff and delete the character.

                      I made a Night Elf later, with better results cause one of my friends was in a guild of night elves where I was, but still, with them being such high levels and so detached from my newbie areas, I soon quit out of boredom of killing wolves and spiders for no seemingly good reason.


                      • #56
                        Heres a funny one i got of me and scumbag.

                        Scumbag> You have a heatsink dont you?

                        Games history

                        Music history


                        • #57
                          Oh damn! Game still hasn't reached my hands...
                          As soon as i get it ill make a Nec/Ele or a Mon/Mes or a Mes/Ele or an Ele/Mes oh damn so cunfused dont know wich one to pick ^-^
                          A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.

                          Cyrano de Bergerac


                          • #58
                            appears to be the ritalin kid's World of warcraft
                            To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                            brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                            • #59
                              Arikel, we need mesmers badly. I don't have the will power to go remake another character, so you should do it.


                              • #60
                                I thought Diablo 2 was a crappy game, and this is basically diablo 2 on steroids. If World of Warcraft didn't exist, I'd still toss this game on the heap with all the other innovative, but mediocre, games out there.

                                As for countering arguments? Try me heatha. I don't defend WoW's fallacies, or any other games, because it's pointless. This shit exists, you can say you can live with it, but that doesn't make it any less real.

                                Oh man, Matt just finished telling me about his latest PvP experience. 45 minutes of 1 v 1 between a rang/mez and a war/monk. Stalemate due to poor PvP mechanics? Nice to see they fixed problems that were apparent in early early beta!

                                Edit: did I say 15? I meant 45.
                                Last edited by wadi; 05-05-2005, 07:06 AM.

