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Guy eats KFC in front of KFC protest

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  • #46
    Is it big, or does it fit in the palm of your hand? I've been thinking about it, but I want it to be worth my hard earned (begged) dollar.


    • #47
      I'd like to say that since we are the ones feeding them, watering them, cleaning up their feces, etc., that we have the right to kill and eat them.
      Zemyla>You know, quoting yourself in your sig is a sign of irredeemable narcissism.

      GuruMeditation> You're on SS, you're an it.
      GuruMeditation> Unless your ship grows boobs, in that case you're a freak.

      Originally posted by sexy wooden spoon
      Also u cud tlk about helping language skills.


      • #48
        Newsflash: Youve Got To Consume To Live.


        • #49
          Not to the extent that many people do consume though. I'm all for taking what you need... but do you have any idea how much food can be wasted by the virtues of todays culture?
          For example, I work at a pizza place, and every day we have to burn off (ie throw away) at least 30 pizza bases because they are yesterdays stuff- can't be used today. Considering that this is only one store, how much more food do you think gets chucked away each day because it was ordered in excess, especially such perishables as meat?
          Sure this is cut down by modern refridgeration techniques, freezing and preserving stuff, but the truth is we produce more food than we eat, but most of its wasted.
          Not that theres anything we can do about it, short of restructuring society into a more efficient communist society. Which, by the way, will never happen because rednecks like their guns. Go figure.

          Originally posted by Disliked
          Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
          +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++

