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Mr. Arrogant2

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  • #76
    How can Oen Izan (Neo Nazi) call someone else a racist?


    • #77
      He has an expert eye?


      • #78
        See how simple that was for me?

        Originally posted by Digitalwave
        How can Oen Izan (Neo Nazi) call someone else a racist?
        I can just like this, you RACIST! see how simple that was? or I could also use this old saying we have around these here parts, "It takes one to know one" lol though really I am not one, but I can spot one a mile off even though the thickest fog.

        Also just for the record, I have not nor have I ever used a swastica banner. I have never even used a racial slur in this game or forum. Can you say that about yourself or Ann?? I would lay money on that fact and I can also say that no one on this forum would wedger there money on the odds that you or Ann never did any of that cuz they all know they will lose.
        You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.


        • #79
          Re: See how simple that was for me?

          Originally posted by Oen

          I can just like this, you RACIST! see how simple that was? or I could also use this old saying we have around these here parts, "It takes one to know one" lol though really I am not one, but I can spot one a mile off even though the thickest fog.

          Also just for the record, I have not nor have I ever used a swastica banner. I have never even used a racial slur in this game or forum. Can you say that about yourself or Ann?? I would lay money on that fact and I can also say that no one on this forum would wedger there money on the odds that you or Ann never did any of that cuz they all know they will lose.
          But... You are ugly.
          Originally posted by Diakka
          Lets stop being lil bitches


          • #80
            Re: See how simple that was for me?

            Originally posted by Oen

            I have never even used a racial slur in this game or forum

            Because this game and forum is where racism really impacts people!
            Mr 12 inch wonder


            • #81
              Racism anywhere makes an impact.


              • #82
                You don't need to speak racial slurs when you have Nazi in your name. I should just change my name to Reggin and I wouldn't need to call people gooks anymore.
                YAY SUBSPACE YAY


                • #83
                  Re: Re: See how simple that was for me?

                  Originally posted by Eeks
                  But... You are ugly.
                  Don't be racist against ugly people...

                  Eeks> UGLY PEOPLE APARTHETIDE!!!
                  "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Digitalwave
                    You don't need to speak racial slurs when you have Nazi in your name. I should just change my name to Reggin and I wouldn't need to call people gooks anymore.
                    Old Red> Yeeeep, Jiimmy... looks like the boy's got a point.
                    Jimmy> Shut the fuck up, you crazy cracker.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Troll King
                      Racism anywhere makes an impact.
                      I was pointing out that he neglected to say he doesn't use racial slurs in real life. Don't you think there are varying degrees of impact with racism? Surely the round world would be more impacted by racism than our little box world.
                      Mr 12 inch wonder


                      • #86
                        I think the assumption that this is just a 2d spaceship game is a flimsy excuse. The fact that the people hearing the racism are predominantly young only makes matters worse.


                        • #87
                          People will always oppose racism, and then there will always be those who are racist just to oppose the ones who oppose racism.

                          And the music keeps on playing on and on.


                          • #88
                            And thats why Na$ will kick it one more time for all the punks and rockers!
                            To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                            brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Troll King
                              I think the assumption that this is just a 2d spaceship game is a flimsy excuse. The fact that the people hearing the racism are predominantly young only makes matters worse.
                              So you talking to me on this forum has as much impact as it would if we sat face to face? I just don't buy that.
                              Mr 12 inch wonder


                              • #90
                                I'm not saying that it ahs as much impact as if we were face to face. I am however saying that there is an impact.

