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  • ff12

    anyone wanna share their hard found info of this game? all i know is some dude call vaan from ivalice is in it. pretty cool seeing how i loved ff tactics

  • #2
    Here is Final Fantasy 12 in an equasion.....

    Final Fantasy 11 Online + Single Player - MMO = Final Fantasy 12

    It's most likely gonna suck. The combat system is straight out, you only control one character now, while your party follows you and runs itself based on scripts or "gambits" to attack, defend, heal, etc*. The party members will come and go as time goes by (has to go home, can't go here, needs to do something else). No random battles, lots of walking, be prepared, wear some comfortable sandals of fire +1


    • #3
      The only thing I know about FF12 is it's been delayed so many times, I'm almost on the verge of giving up on it.

      No random battles
      A few would consider that a God send, depends on the time of day for myself though.


      • #4
        So in essence, its gonna be like Seiken Densetsu.

        Failure teaches success.
        . â–²
        ▲ ▲


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kim
          So in essence, its gonna be like Seiken Densetsu.

          I couldn't agree less! If you meant cool in a good way.
          Endless space, endless exploration.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dameon Angell
            Here is Final Fantasy 12 in an equasion.....

            Final Fantasy 11 Online + Single Player - MMO = Final Fantasy 12

            It's most likely gonna suck. The combat system is straight out, you only control one character now, while your party follows you and runs itself based on scripts or "gambits" to attack, defend, heal, etc*. The party members will come and go as time goes by (has to go home, can't go here, needs to do something else). No random battles, lots of walking, be prepared, wear some comfortable sandals of fire +1
            How is that going to suck? That follows the FFXI model and Kingdom Hearts in the fact that your party follows you around and attacks/heals. Kingdom Hearts was a great game, and FFXI is one of the best MMORPGs out there.
            Girl if it's alright,


            • #7
              I don't know, I just don't trust it til I play it. Verdict stands. Kingdom Hearts 2 is back into development again too. The lead director came down with that really bad flu that's been going around, but he finally got out of it and he's back to finishing KH2.


              • #8
                the only things final fantasy related im waiting for is KH2 and advent children. </useless post>
                PURE HATRED> i cannot dodge your bombs AND my teammates
                pv=nrt> YOU ARE MINE PRINCESS iNgeNfyRe
                hogo> iNgeNfyRe Just got HoE'D
                Dark Moogoo> psst, bring the cookies and cream

