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Applied Communications

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  • Applied Communications

    By far the most interesting "music" I've ever heard. The man behind the madness, Max Wood (an 18-year old sophomore at NYU) said the following when asked to describe Applied Communications:

    "At this point, from my perspective, it's mainly an outlet. At first I associated Applied Communications with making music, but now I'm a lot more in the mindset that I'm communicating something very specific through it. In other words -- it's all about getting certain ideas out there, not about making people dance. This means that I could do video art for Applied Communications, giant oil paintings for Applied Communications... photography, poetry, architecture, suicide, gardening, whatever. It's all about working through this weird mixing pot of depression and frustration over my mother's death, confusion over sex and relationships, occasional boredom with life, and all sorts of other weird and typical problems that I personally associate with teen angst. Once I work all of that out, I have a hard time seeing Applied Communications working any further. But I think that's a LONG way into the future."

    So yeah, you should ch-check it out, yo.

    P.S. I like "Do You Know What I'm Saying?" and "Lobsteriscos Rocketiza" the most.
    Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
    i just wish it was longer
    Originally posted by Cops
    it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.

  • #2
    You should probably download some of the songs. All the cool kids are doing it. Don't you want to be cool?
    Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
    i just wish it was longer
    Originally posted by Cops
    it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.

