There has been discussion about how everyone has a price, and well I was wondering what you would do for a certain amount of money. Please answer these (answer will vary depending on the question) and the price for each. Thanks.
-How much would it cost for you to have sex with a member of your gender?:
Full hardcore raunchy sex?
-How much would it cost for you to do the thing (or things) you find most morally reprehensible? (kill someone, rape someone, etc)
-How much would it cost for you to cheat on your husband/wife?
-How much would it cost for you to stay quiet about the murder of an innocent person?
-What would drive you, what do you think would cause you to steal from another innocent, decent person? This isn't so much a monetary price, but another moral one.
-How much would it cost for you to have sex with a member of your gender?:
Full hardcore raunchy sex?
-How much would it cost for you to do the thing (or things) you find most morally reprehensible? (kill someone, rape someone, etc)
-How much would it cost for you to cheat on your husband/wife?
-How much would it cost for you to stay quiet about the murder of an innocent person?
-What would drive you, what do you think would cause you to steal from another innocent, decent person? This isn't so much a monetary price, but another moral one.