Does anyone play Gunz: The Duel? Visit
Gunz is probably best described as a third person action shooting game (TPASG?
). It is currently in open beta and will be free to play upon release (expected around November this year, I believe), with opt-in buyable items. These buyable items will largely be aesthetic, though. Offering basically another look, and rather minorly increased stats. The game has been out in Korea for some years (it's the international version that's currently in beta, y'see) and it is said that many top Korean players don't use any of the buyable items, which is good all-round.
The idea of the game is based on that MAIET (the developers) want you to be able to play out the role of a hero, that maybe you saw in a movie, animé or whatever. To that end, you have a nice arsenal of various (very nicely balanced) weapons available, from Revolvers to Rocket Launchers, as well as some pretty nifty looking clothes.
The amount of character creation options is, at best, rather minimal. You can choose between male and female and a choice of 4 faces and 4 hairstyles (this bothered me at first, but you have to remember that this is A. in beta and B. at heart, a shooting game), and you can choose a 'starting class', which is basically just what weapons / accessories you start with. All characters start with either SMGs, Pistols or Revolvers, though. (* For those who decide to play, the best starting class is the Doctor, as you can sell the medikits and buy more guns and gear than anyone else anyway.)
You earn 'bounty' (the Gunz equivalent of cash), with which you buy gear, by killing other players. At present, the game is 100% PvP based. In the future, a quest mode will be available, but the heart of the game is PvP. As you level up, you can use better gear that you buy with your bounty. Unlike many games, though, levels don't make a huge amount of difference. Obviously, there's a big difference between a level 1 with starter gear and a level 50 with top-notch gear, but the difference is much less defined than, say, Diablo, where levels and gear means everything. An example off the top of my head would be that the level 15 Shotgun does 1 less damage per pellet than the level 30 Shotgun. The level 50 Rocket Launcher does 5 more damage than the level 15 Rocket Launcher, is a bit lighter and has a bit more ammo. Not that big a deal, but worth getting.
Mentioning the weight of the Rocket Launcher, your character can only carry a certain amount of junk, so, for example, a character that uses a pair of Revolvers and a Shotgun is going to be able to wear much heavier armour than a character that wants to use a Rocket Launcher and a Machine Gun, because obviously their guns are (just a tad) heavier.
Inside the game, your character can do all sorts of cool things. You can run on walls and flip off them while shooting your guns, you can climb to high places in various ways and perform all sorts of other moves (and counter-moves). For example, left clicking with a Dagger will perform a simple stab, but if you right click you perform a lunging attack which has the effect of knocking your opponent down. This can be countered by hitting space as you hit them, but in the event that they don't counter, they're on the floor at your mercy for a second or so.
You can join a clan and participate in clan battles, which is great fun. When the game is released there will be a dedicated clanwar server set up.
Possibly my favourite part of the game, is the "Korean style" metagame. While I don't like terming it "Korean style", it's pretty much the accepted term. Something very interesting you can do is called 'melee cancelling'. That is, for example if you run on a wall, after so many steps your character will flip off and fall to the ground. However, if you use a melee attack after you flip off, you cancel the falling animation and reset your character to a neutral state, so that you can dash back to the wall and start running on it again. This melee cancelling has lead to a whole style being based around it. The core of "Korean style" attacking is something called slash shooting. This involves jumping and dashing, and as you dash you 'melee cancel' (slash with your sword), which allows you to whip out your gun and shoot in the middle of the dash, allowing you to be dodging and shooting at the same time.
Anyway, I highly recommend it and it'd be nice to be contacted by people from TW. My Gunz character is called Reeon (symbolic - American asshats think my name is pronounced R-eye-on >:/), and I almost always play on server 1. Having mentioned the servers, sometimes it can be a pain logging on. The secret is to just enter your username and password and put something on the enter key. People have mentioned zippo lighters and small paperweights work for them. I usually have no problem, but at peak times it can take a short while to log on.
I dare say lots of people here have junk computers, so here are the recommended system requirements for Gunz.
OS: Windows 98, XP or 2000
Direct X: 9.0c or above
CPU: Pentium III 800 Mhz or faster
Memory: 512 MB or more
Graphics Card: Geforce 4 MX or faster
Sound Card: Direct3DSound compatible
If anyone does decide to check it out, please do log on to Server 1 and say hi (/w Reeon Hi!). I'd be glad to 'show you around'.
Look forward to seeing some Trench Warriors (wow that sounds nerdy) in Gunz.
Gunz is probably best described as a third person action shooting game (TPASG?

The idea of the game is based on that MAIET (the developers) want you to be able to play out the role of a hero, that maybe you saw in a movie, animé or whatever. To that end, you have a nice arsenal of various (very nicely balanced) weapons available, from Revolvers to Rocket Launchers, as well as some pretty nifty looking clothes.
The amount of character creation options is, at best, rather minimal. You can choose between male and female and a choice of 4 faces and 4 hairstyles (this bothered me at first, but you have to remember that this is A. in beta and B. at heart, a shooting game), and you can choose a 'starting class', which is basically just what weapons / accessories you start with. All characters start with either SMGs, Pistols or Revolvers, though. (* For those who decide to play, the best starting class is the Doctor, as you can sell the medikits and buy more guns and gear than anyone else anyway.)
You earn 'bounty' (the Gunz equivalent of cash), with which you buy gear, by killing other players. At present, the game is 100% PvP based. In the future, a quest mode will be available, but the heart of the game is PvP. As you level up, you can use better gear that you buy with your bounty. Unlike many games, though, levels don't make a huge amount of difference. Obviously, there's a big difference between a level 1 with starter gear and a level 50 with top-notch gear, but the difference is much less defined than, say, Diablo, where levels and gear means everything. An example off the top of my head would be that the level 15 Shotgun does 1 less damage per pellet than the level 30 Shotgun. The level 50 Rocket Launcher does 5 more damage than the level 15 Rocket Launcher, is a bit lighter and has a bit more ammo. Not that big a deal, but worth getting.
Mentioning the weight of the Rocket Launcher, your character can only carry a certain amount of junk, so, for example, a character that uses a pair of Revolvers and a Shotgun is going to be able to wear much heavier armour than a character that wants to use a Rocket Launcher and a Machine Gun, because obviously their guns are (just a tad) heavier.
Inside the game, your character can do all sorts of cool things. You can run on walls and flip off them while shooting your guns, you can climb to high places in various ways and perform all sorts of other moves (and counter-moves). For example, left clicking with a Dagger will perform a simple stab, but if you right click you perform a lunging attack which has the effect of knocking your opponent down. This can be countered by hitting space as you hit them, but in the event that they don't counter, they're on the floor at your mercy for a second or so.
You can join a clan and participate in clan battles, which is great fun. When the game is released there will be a dedicated clanwar server set up.
Possibly my favourite part of the game, is the "Korean style" metagame. While I don't like terming it "Korean style", it's pretty much the accepted term. Something very interesting you can do is called 'melee cancelling'. That is, for example if you run on a wall, after so many steps your character will flip off and fall to the ground. However, if you use a melee attack after you flip off, you cancel the falling animation and reset your character to a neutral state, so that you can dash back to the wall and start running on it again. This melee cancelling has lead to a whole style being based around it. The core of "Korean style" attacking is something called slash shooting. This involves jumping and dashing, and as you dash you 'melee cancel' (slash with your sword), which allows you to whip out your gun and shoot in the middle of the dash, allowing you to be dodging and shooting at the same time.
Anyway, I highly recommend it and it'd be nice to be contacted by people from TW. My Gunz character is called Reeon (symbolic - American asshats think my name is pronounced R-eye-on >:/), and I almost always play on server 1. Having mentioned the servers, sometimes it can be a pain logging on. The secret is to just enter your username and password and put something on the enter key. People have mentioned zippo lighters and small paperweights work for them. I usually have no problem, but at peak times it can take a short while to log on.
I dare say lots of people here have junk computers, so here are the recommended system requirements for Gunz.
OS: Windows 98, XP or 2000
Direct X: 9.0c or above
CPU: Pentium III 800 Mhz or faster
Memory: 512 MB or more
Graphics Card: Geforce 4 MX or faster
Sound Card: Direct3DSound compatible
If anyone does decide to check it out, please do log on to Server 1 and say hi (/w Reeon Hi!). I'd be glad to 'show you around'.
Look forward to seeing some Trench Warriors (wow that sounds nerdy) in Gunz.
