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It was his fault

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  • It was his fault

    Well around 12:30 last nite me, and my friends were walking back to our friends house, when I really needed to take a piss. They wouldn't wait for me, so my friend handed me a bottle, and I pissed in there. Apparently he didn't know I pissed in there yet, so he started shaking the bottle the cap wasn't tightened securely so it caused most if not all of the contents to spill on his kappa pants, and nike shoes. Now he wants me to pay for them.

  • #2

    Why didn't you empty the bottle in a bush or something?

    3:Mega Newbie> bam ashlee whats wrong taking nude pictures???
    3:Mega Newbie> its an art!!!!!!!!
    3:Mega Newbie> only jealous girls and gays dont like it!!


    1:Cape> then ud throw her back when she says she still isnt givin it up


    tim> .?squad tim
    BAM__ Ashl> ?squad tim
    Squad: timo<3ashlee


    MODERATOR WARNING: bam__ Ashlee is a sex machine -Mithrandia <ER>


    • #3
      Better yet, why not just piss in a bush? That reminds me of a funny story:

      I was in like 10th grade and stupid. Friend had a huge 3 kegger party and I was trashed and me and my buddy were going out to his van to smoke a blunt. Of course I had to piss once I sat down so I got back out and stumbled into these peoples' yard. It was pretty late (like 3 or 4) so, even in a right mind, I wouldn't have had any problem doing this. I whipped it out and pissed in these peoples' bushes right in front of their den window. The house was dark and everything of course. So halfway in pissing this dude and his stupid bitch come outside and start yelling at me. "EXCUSE ME! Get da fuck out of my fucking yard man don't piss in my motherfuckin' bushes! Man what da hell stupid fuckin kids get the fuck out!" I was in mid-piss so stopping would have burst my bladder or something so I finished up while he kept screaming and when his dumb bitch started to run towards me I holstered the weapon and stumbled off - all the while saying not a word. What I don't understand is why someone would wake up in the middle of the night to tell someone not to piss in their yard - it's not like it will be there the next day and they'll step in it or something.

      Oh well, we got drunk a year or so later and rolled their fucking house hardcore. Good riddance, dipshits.


      • #4
        Originally posted by genocidal
        Better yet, why not just piss in a bush? That reminds me of a funny story:

        I was in like 10th grade and stupid. Friend had a huge 3 kegger party and I was trashed and me and my buddy were going out to his van to smoke a blunt. Of course I had to piss once I sat down so I got back out and stumbled into these peoples' yard. It was pretty late (like 3 or 4) so, even in a right mind, I wouldn't have had any problem doing this. I whipped it out and pissed in these peoples' bushes right in front of their den window. The house was dark and everything of course. So halfway in pissing this dude and his stupid bitch come outside and start yelling at me. "EXCUSE ME! Get da fuck out of my fucking yard man don't piss in my motherfuckin' bushes! Man what da hell stupid fuckin kids get the fuck out!" I was in mid-piss so stopping would have burst my bladder or something so I finished up while he kept screaming and when his dumb bitch started to run towards me I holstered the weapon and stumbled off - all the while saying not a word. What I don't understand is why someone would wake up in the middle of the night to tell someone not to piss in their yard - it's not like it will be there the next day and they'll step in it or something.

        Oh well, we got drunk a year or so later and rolled their fucking house hardcore. Good riddance, dipshits.
        Yeah my friend did something similar like that. Know he, and his friends do it like every saturday when we're all beat.


        • #5
          kappa is cheap as anyway

