Hey I know some here play them, and it doesn't matter which one, just jot down whatever you want to in here about what you did for whichever day, or what you've done recently. I'm a Bard in FFXI, so I know quite a few here won't understand what I'm going to post below. Doesn't matter though, enjoy doing what you do, and share with us about it!
lol funny night. So I get an invite to go party in Kuftal, right? I head on down to Altep, and my silly butt can't tell north from south apparently, because I can't find the west altepa exit for the life of me. I pass a buddy of mine and end up forgetting that Gobs aggro by sight. I pass a gob and remember just as the gob turns around (bst gob, spider pet oh joy) to run after me. Pretty soon I have more guys after me than Justin Timberlake at an N-Sync concert (read, he's a faggot). I decide to get myself killed at the teleport-altep crystal, so I wouldn't have to wait too long for a raise.
lvl 75 Whm and one or two others help me out (Cure V for 595 HP ftw), and I eventually meet up with my party, who were now in QC. Setup is like so-
WHM/BLM (jp)
So we're zooming through exp, even though the Thf doesn't feel like pulling and I end up doing the dirty work. I just got my staff macros all worked out so I'm pysched about using them and what not. Everything's going well, ppl are dinging here and there, and then it happens. Another party gets there. Now for all who have been to the quicksand caves (either entrance, really doesn't matter) , you'll know it's not built for multiple parties (we didn't want to give up our c5's). The Nin in my party (Champlaine) and the Brd of the other party go at it, bickering about spots. Champ doesn't want to give them any quarter, Brd wants us to choose between top or bottom (J-9 entrance with the steps, for those wondering).
They get into the usual 4th grade /shout match, even though we were the only 2 parties in the damn caves, even after the JP whm and I suggested just giving them the top half (beetles) and we could take on the...insect guys (Anti-something). Anyhoo, the JP from that party and my party's JP start talking in "gooogley moogely" aka language of the elite, and then after a bit the whm says "gather together". Then she does her protectra 3 macro. Oh ho ho, I'm not falling for that you sneaky little taru, you. I get the bad feeling that she's going to teleport us somewhere, but the other chums in my party are all blissfully ignorant, and gather around her. So what does she start casting?
I run out of the way, so does the blm, and by the time the other guys realize what she's casting, "those white lights be shinin". They get to Altep and are all like " omfg why did you that", while I ponder about the success rate of a blink+ Elegy MPK ( Champ was threatening to MPK them before). Mind you, I'm not the MPK type of person, I would have been find exping at the bottom floor, but...the situation did make me wonder if I could pull it off. After the Blm and I laughed about the whole ordeal, I got a d2 and logged.
EDIT- Terms for those who don't play FFXI:
"dinging" - gaining levels
QC- Quicksand Caves , an area where you can exp
"exp"- experience points, needed to level up. When you see me or someone else say " where you can exp", it means " where you can go to party, to gain experience.
JP - Japanese Players
Altep / Teleport Altep - A teleport spell that whisks your entire party to the teleport altep crystal, which is located in a far off desert known as Eastern Altepa Desert.
MPK- Mass player kill. Usually done by beastmasters or Ninja's, since they have means of avoiding damage/ losing exp while doing it. What you basically do is go to a hostile area, an area where people are grinding away on monsters to gain exp, and you get a train of monsters and "steer" that train of monsters into a party. To simplify it even more, it's sort of like driving on the road with a trailer hitched up and swerving to avoid a squirrel, and the squirrel then gets smashed by the trailer. You're the bait, the monsters are running after you but if you outrun them/ kill yourself on purpose/lose aggro in whatever way, these monsters will attack the nearest players.
lol funny night. So I get an invite to go party in Kuftal, right? I head on down to Altep, and my silly butt can't tell north from south apparently, because I can't find the west altepa exit for the life of me. I pass a buddy of mine and end up forgetting that Gobs aggro by sight. I pass a gob and remember just as the gob turns around (bst gob, spider pet oh joy) to run after me. Pretty soon I have more guys after me than Justin Timberlake at an N-Sync concert (read, he's a faggot). I decide to get myself killed at the teleport-altep crystal, so I wouldn't have to wait too long for a raise.
lvl 75 Whm and one or two others help me out (Cure V for 595 HP ftw), and I eventually meet up with my party, who were now in QC. Setup is like so-
WHM/BLM (jp)
So we're zooming through exp, even though the Thf doesn't feel like pulling and I end up doing the dirty work. I just got my staff macros all worked out so I'm pysched about using them and what not. Everything's going well, ppl are dinging here and there, and then it happens. Another party gets there. Now for all who have been to the quicksand caves (either entrance, really doesn't matter) , you'll know it's not built for multiple parties (we didn't want to give up our c5's). The Nin in my party (Champlaine) and the Brd of the other party go at it, bickering about spots. Champ doesn't want to give them any quarter, Brd wants us to choose between top or bottom (J-9 entrance with the steps, for those wondering).
They get into the usual 4th grade /shout match, even though we were the only 2 parties in the damn caves, even after the JP whm and I suggested just giving them the top half (beetles) and we could take on the...insect guys (Anti-something). Anyhoo, the JP from that party and my party's JP start talking in "gooogley moogely" aka language of the elite, and then after a bit the whm says "gather together". Then she does her protectra 3 macro. Oh ho ho, I'm not falling for that you sneaky little taru, you. I get the bad feeling that she's going to teleport us somewhere, but the other chums in my party are all blissfully ignorant, and gather around her. So what does she start casting?
I run out of the way, so does the blm, and by the time the other guys realize what she's casting, "those white lights be shinin". They get to Altep and are all like " omfg why did you that", while I ponder about the success rate of a blink+ Elegy MPK ( Champ was threatening to MPK them before). Mind you, I'm not the MPK type of person, I would have been find exping at the bottom floor, but...the situation did make me wonder if I could pull it off. After the Blm and I laughed about the whole ordeal, I got a d2 and logged.
EDIT- Terms for those who don't play FFXI:
"dinging" - gaining levels
QC- Quicksand Caves , an area where you can exp
"exp"- experience points, needed to level up. When you see me or someone else say " where you can exp", it means " where you can go to party, to gain experience.
JP - Japanese Players
Altep / Teleport Altep - A teleport spell that whisks your entire party to the teleport altep crystal, which is located in a far off desert known as Eastern Altepa Desert.
MPK- Mass player kill. Usually done by beastmasters or Ninja's, since they have means of avoiding damage/ losing exp while doing it. What you basically do is go to a hostile area, an area where people are grinding away on monsters to gain exp, and you get a train of monsters and "steer" that train of monsters into a party. To simplify it even more, it's sort of like driving on the road with a trailer hitched up and swerving to avoid a squirrel, and the squirrel then gets smashed by the trailer. You're the bait, the monsters are running after you but if you outrun them/ kill yourself on purpose/lose aggro in whatever way, these monsters will attack the nearest players.