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Something you all need to know

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  • Something you all need to know


    My name is Tera, some might remember me, some might not...
    I came here cause recently I logged on to subspace and I instantly got a few messages saying "are you using multiple accounts??".
    My first reaction was: WTF ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT???
    Then after a couple of minutes and talks with certain players I found out the person known as Phizey was spreading the rumor that he is me. Well I can tell you something 100% sure: PHIZEY IS NOT ME... I have been inactive for quite some time and I sure as hell wouldnt use a name that ends with the 3 letters " ZEY " ...

    So for those who are too lazy to read all the above: PHIZEY IS NOT ME

    Thank you for your attention, I'm going back to solitude

    Kind regards,

    Trench Wars Moderator
    TW Gallery Admin
    TWEL Operator
    aka ronaldo

  • #2
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure Phizey is full of shit, Cheers.


    • #3
      Phizey = thix's and voth's unborn child.
      1:Remu> by the way, valker is expensive...
      1:M_M God> well, but you get quality time for your money
      1:M_M God> and I like how his beard tickles me
      2:Falk> finland = part of united kingdom?
      1:RiiStar> lol i think i killed TW :D


      • #4
        I suppose U mean jdigs?
        Originally Posted by HeavenSent
        You won't have to wait another 4 years.
        There wont be another election for president.
        Obama is the Omega President.


        • #5
          so what is your new nick than? i know u got 1 mr. but my brain is a mess.

