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Crowd trashes Egypt ferry office

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  • Crowd trashes Egypt ferry office

    What's with this part of the world. A ferry sinks, people die. So the result of this event is to storm the Ferry Office and burn it as well as hurt the innocent people that had nothing to do with this.

    "Family members accused the government of mishandling the rescue and aftermath, while lawmakers called for investigations and said the ship's owner had been responsible for previous disasters."

    Maybe if these Countries Governments would enforce such things, as the amount of lifeboats on the ship, as well as a capacity of how many people can be on the ferry and perhaps....just perhaps...have inspections of these ships, such things would not happen.

    "But independent Egyptian newspapers have accused Mubarak and his government of protecting the ship's owner, who they say is close to a top official in Mubarak's government. The weekly independent paper Soutelomma, often critical of the government, said two other ferries owned by the same company had sunk in the past 10 years, without the government properly investigating or putting the company's owner on trial."

    I guess the solution to all problems is to riot, burn things and shoot guns in the air...not to mention trample and kill others...sounds like the making for a new Beavis and Butthead movie. Good thing there is not cartoon of this incident in the papers.
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    Hmm, to be fair they did lose a family member recently due to causes that could have been prevented? Furthermore, a perfectly secure and safe ship requires money, as does inspection and they're not the richest country in the world.

    Did you hear the Captain was apparantly one of the first to abandon ship? He supposdly told the people that they didn't need their life jackets, and then got on one of the lifeboats.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Disliked
      Hmm, to be fair they did lose a family member recently due to causes that could have been prevented? Furthermore, a perfectly secure and safe ship requires money, as does inspection and they're not the richest country in the world.

      Did you hear the Captain was apparantly one of the first to abandon ship? He supposdly told the people that they didn't need their life jackets, and then got on one of the lifeboats.
      I had read this about the Captain. It is amazing though that they do not just shut down this company all together though! Poor country or not, there are many people with lot$$ of $$$ do you think for one minute that the ships company was running off of nothing?

      Sure the family members are upset, yet the actions of which they take on the Ferry Company should have been directed at the Government 1st. The Government had knowledge of this companies reputation and track record.

      If for example you had a family member who had died in a plane crash, would you storm and riot at the company of the airline itself? or would you go to the Govt. to see why they allow the company to run and who was responsible for the accident.

      Peoples reactions prior to a proper investigation, from rioting and hurting innocent lifes, is a ridiculous means to a solution to any problem.
      May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


      • #4
        I saw it in the news today and it pisses me off that "those people" always thrash things when they are mad, "those people" are fucking messed up !!!!


        • #5
          It seems to me that burning stuff and storming buildings after something happens is becoming more and more of a trend, like the cheating, getting banned and bragging about it on here.
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

