I'm doing the sound for a school production, of some shit play some student wrote. Its going to be shit. But in an effort to try to make it a little better, I have been asked to get hold of some sound effects/songs. I need suggestion of songs which you think I would be able to use. Either if you email it to me [ lk.dicE@gmail.com ] or post a link, or just reccomend a song, and I see if Limewire has it.
-- The clips do not have to be any particular length. --
so far my criterea is:
- Cheesy Love/Emotional Music. [I was thinking the rooftop scene from the Aristocats, for those who have seen it]
- News Jingle [like the BBC "This is the 10 o'clock News" the music that is goes with that.
- Grand Entrance Music. [This is for a Judge's Entrance to the play. I was thinking something like Judge John Deed music, for those Brits who know what I am talking about.]
- Space/Techno Music [I already have Space Odyssey, which is not bad, but if anyone else has any Sci-Fi music, or something that would sound similar.]
If you could make some suggestions etc, it would be most helpful.
- Noah
-- The clips do not have to be any particular length. --
so far my criterea is:
- Cheesy Love/Emotional Music. [I was thinking the rooftop scene from the Aristocats, for those who have seen it]
- News Jingle [like the BBC "This is the 10 o'clock News" the music that is goes with that.
- Grand Entrance Music. [This is for a Judge's Entrance to the play. I was thinking something like Judge John Deed music, for those Brits who know what I am talking about.]
- Space/Techno Music [I already have Space Odyssey, which is not bad, but if anyone else has any Sci-Fi music, or something that would sound similar.]
If you could make some suggestions etc, it would be most helpful.
- Noah