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Omen the Remake<possible spoilers>

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  • Omen the Remake<possible spoilers>

    I found this to be almost as good as the original. I luved Gregory Peck in the original, and found Omen 1 and 2 to be one of the top horror movies of all time. This remake stayed true to the remake, and only had minor changes. Even the deaths were extremely similar, as you can see in some of the trailers. I would give this would 8.5/10.


  • #2
    Did you seriously just compare those two movies? Gregory Peck to that chick that was in that other crappy movie that no one watched?

    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


    • #3
      You dont know shit

      Wtf are u talking about Gregory Peck to that chick... If you are talkin about Omen 2, what women u are taLkin about the wife of thorn's brother. Omen 2 was actually a great movie that did well, and got good reviews, that why they made 2 others. Going back to the Omen, the movie was well done, and for a re make It can be compared to the original, and not a cheap knock off.

