ok ok ok
got caught hot boxing a friends car...
The Story
me and a few of my close friends drove down to a local teen hang out in THE NATI (well its actually across the river but lets pretend!) any ways we light up one of the fattest joints i've ever had the pleasure to sit next and watch get rolled... We light and were off on a wonderful adventure looken for the preverbal "golden pot" of hoes the normal time for most ppl 35 min tops... but when u ride with my group of friends, while burning herb, it takes you 1 hr 10 min... we end up getting lost 3 times but make it there in one piece we light the bob marley incense and chill for bout 5 min passing whats left of the blunt... incense gets halfway burnt we put it out and go inside...
(hell naw u cant see how i operate, lets just say between the dancen, stobes, single females, and that daze it was quite the experience)
Da Ride Home
we leave the club at about 12:00 to make it home b4 12:30. The drive home was just the same, we burnt another blunt jammin to the radio and inhaling the sweet aroma of the bob marly incense... BUT! b4 the nights complete we need to make a lil pit stop at Wendys (serious munchies) we order leave, drop my one friend off at his house. Me and my other friend drive home still a lil fuked. Pull in my drive way and his car starts pouring smoke from the hood... we pop the hood and get a rent outside to find out what we should do with the car... we decide on leaveing it in my street to cool off. I hop in a car, drop my friend off at his house, drive home and quickly spray his car with cologne and burn the rest of the bob marly incense... hopefully my plan will work
you need to always bring these things b4 u toke or party kids[list=1][*]Blunt (duh)[*]roach clip[*]2 friends[*]a car[*]bob marly incense[*]a radio[*]the players black book (haha)[*]extra $ for food [*]collogue[*]umm[*]gum[*]cigs[*]zippo's[*]condoms[*]ya thats about it[/list=1]
welcome to the life of HoGo
got caught hot boxing a friends car...
The Story
me and a few of my close friends drove down to a local teen hang out in THE NATI (well its actually across the river but lets pretend!) any ways we light up one of the fattest joints i've ever had the pleasure to sit next and watch get rolled... We light and were off on a wonderful adventure looken for the preverbal "golden pot" of hoes the normal time for most ppl 35 min tops... but when u ride with my group of friends, while burning herb, it takes you 1 hr 10 min... we end up getting lost 3 times but make it there in one piece we light the bob marley incense and chill for bout 5 min passing whats left of the blunt... incense gets halfway burnt we put it out and go inside...
(hell naw u cant see how i operate, lets just say between the dancen, stobes, single females, and that daze it was quite the experience)
Da Ride Home
we leave the club at about 12:00 to make it home b4 12:30. The drive home was just the same, we burnt another blunt jammin to the radio and inhaling the sweet aroma of the bob marly incense... BUT! b4 the nights complete we need to make a lil pit stop at Wendys (serious munchies) we order leave, drop my one friend off at his house. Me and my other friend drive home still a lil fuked. Pull in my drive way and his car starts pouring smoke from the hood... we pop the hood and get a rent outside to find out what we should do with the car... we decide on leaveing it in my street to cool off. I hop in a car, drop my friend off at his house, drive home and quickly spray his car with cologne and burn the rest of the bob marly incense... hopefully my plan will work
you need to always bring these things b4 u toke or party kids[list=1][*]Blunt (duh)[*]roach clip[*]2 friends[*]a car[*]bob marly incense[*]a radio[*]the players black book (haha)[*]extra $ for food [*]collogue[*]umm[*]gum[*]cigs[*]zippo's[*]condoms[*]ya thats about it[/list=1]
welcome to the life of HoGo
