einstine explained this one, better than i could e = mc^2
ENERGY = MATTER * (Speed of light squared)
The speed of light is just the constant of conversion.
Like when you convert dollers to pounds the exchange rate is 1.86.
Basically he was saying.
This was tested by Alot of scientists doing expeiments (blowing up shit generally) and found it was true. Thats why he is was so awesume.
How does stuff exist then? The simple answer is we don't know.
There are many many many theories though...
The big bang is just such a theory (note no theory on the creation of the universe has ever been proved scientifically).
Following big bang theorty all the matter in the universe existed as one partical that was infinatly small and wieghted as much as the universe does. It then (for some reason) blew up and created the universe.
If the big bang is true it raises questions such as what caused it then? and equally where did all this matter come from to blow up?
ENERGY = MATTER * (Speed of light squared)
The speed of light is just the constant of conversion.
Like when you convert dollers to pounds the exchange rate is 1.86.
Basically he was saying.
This was tested by Alot of scientists doing expeiments (blowing up shit generally) and found it was true. Thats why he is was so awesume.
How does stuff exist then? The simple answer is we don't know.
There are many many many theories though...
The big bang is just such a theory (note no theory on the creation of the universe has ever been proved scientifically).
Following big bang theorty all the matter in the universe existed as one partical that was infinatly small and wieghted as much as the universe does. It then (for some reason) blew up and created the universe.
If the big bang is true it raises questions such as what caused it then? and equally where did all this matter come from to blow up?