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Gap between Rich and Poor growing?

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  • #46
    average price for a house in houston is around 300k US


    • #47
      Originally posted by Epinephrine
      Scare me? Unlike you, I will have a 100% guaranteed job that will pay $200,000/year and more, completely depending on how much time I want to spend working. I will only lose my job if I choose to not work, and unless Canada blows up or something, my job will never go away, nor is it really affected by the economy. If I'm lucky I might be making $600,000/year in 5 years. Of course I'm sacrificing my entire 20s for this and it's a lot of responsiblity, but hey.. that's life.

      But either way, I will not be one of the 'poor' ones in the rich or poor gap even if I won't be Bill Gates, but that isn't the point of this thread anyway.

      And in Canada, if you made $200,000/year you can take home $130,000 (after tax-free investments) without doing any fancy business writing off which I will do for sure.
      o rly? explain your job description and i will TELL you wether or not you're full of bullshit.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Money
        o rly? explain your job description and i will TELL you wether or not you're full of bullshit.
        Epi is going to be a medical doctor. He probably is right about the salary, especially if he becomes a specialist.


        • #49
          You guys are lucky. Around Alexandria (Fairfax County in the US) houses from from 600-900k. Prime real eastate area since it's so close to DC, and alot of people commute.
          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Eric is God
            Epi, when did you become arrogant lol. I'm guessing shortly after you got accepted to medical school :P
            Being on call 10 times in 28 days makes me antsy
            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • #51
              houses are selling fast in Georgia I hear

              houses here in Florida is fucking high. sucks for my pops who wants to sell our house, so he can move to North Carolina, where he plan's to make a house on his newly acquired hundred something acres of land (bought like 3 lots of land near the appalachian mountain, and got 2 lots for free what a deal.)
              All good things must come to an end.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Epinephrine
                Being on call 10 times in 28 days makes me antsy
                Hey I wasn't being critical, I like you better as a jackass


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                  You guys are lucky. Around Alexandria (Fairfax County in the US) houses from from 600-900k. Prime real eastate area since it's so close to DC, and alot of people commute.
                  There are so many houses in the Greater Toronto Area selling for over $1 million that they redefined luxury housing as being above $1.5 million instead.

                  I think I'll slightly alter my statement about the real estate bubble bursting. Obviously it's the areas with dense populations that are expiriencing the highest growth in prices. Those areas will keep getting more expense to live in, but businesses are moving further away from downtown areas and into the suburbs. So instead of many people working downtown and living just outside the city, they can now move to increasingly rural areas where land is cheaper and commute to the suburbs. Just an educated guess on how urban sprawl is going to work in the future.

