If anthropologists can't work the whole "race" issue out, I doubt a spaceship game forum will give a definitive solution.
Moderators are instructed to comment any racism bans with the offending article so they can be reviewed, and their durations adjusted depending on the degree of the offence and any repetitions from the same individual. While the thin line that defines what is racially offensive is often obscure, a good proportion of TW racism bans are open and shut cases. This was not the case here.
Now if each line were taken seperately of the other, neither would have been construed as racist. In combination it does nothing bar invoke a stereotype that Mexicans are landscapers. That may or may not be true, who cares?
For the purposes of the arguement though, I'm not going say that Mexicans are a race otherwise it causes precendence and opens the floodgates on "racism" towards Americans. Izor is a cunt, there's no denying that. But if he's going to be banned for badmouthing a country, then we're just committing social suicide on the zone. I'd rather ban cheaters, not potty mouthes.
Moderators are instructed to comment any racism bans with the offending article so they can be reviewed, and their durations adjusted depending on the degree of the offence and any repetitions from the same individual. While the thin line that defines what is racially offensive is often obscure, a good proportion of TW racism bans are open and shut cases. This was not the case here.
Originally posted by Izor
For the purposes of the arguement though, I'm not going say that Mexicans are a race otherwise it causes precendence and opens the floodgates on "racism" towards Americans. Izor is a cunt, there's no denying that. But if he's going to be banned for badmouthing a country, then we're just committing social suicide on the zone. I'd rather ban cheaters, not potty mouthes.