- Do not ever get an all-wheel drive car. Found out yesterday morning at work how shitty those cars are when it comes to tires. What am I talking about?
A lady comes in with her two kids and says she needs to get her tire plugged. I'm thinkin no big, even when the leak turns out to be coming from her valvue stem (the little nubbin sticking out of the tire that you put air in). Anyway upon further inspection, I find out that there is a small cut on the sidewall of her tire, which we can't plug, which means her tire is no good and she needs a new one.
I give her the bad news, and then dip into the office real quick to look up the price of her tire. $125 bucks for a single tire? Shit. I go out and give her more bad news, and my manager who was walking by, notices that the car she's driving is an all-wheel drive car. He drops the bomb and totally blows any hope she has of fixing this problem with a small amount of money- you can't replace just one tire with an all-wheel drive car, you have to replace them all at once!
The deal is that all the tires have to spin at the same rate, and if I had put the new tire on, it would have been spinning slower than the rest, which would have fucked up the transmission. Shiiiiit! My buddy and I who were standing around when my manager chin-checked the lady with this brick of bad news were both like "
" , simply because to get her car totally straight, soccer mom here was going to have to lay down $500 bucks. 500 bucks! All because of one small scratch! Anyway, after she picked her jaw up off the ground, the lady asked me if I could just fix her valve stem as my manager vanished in a cloud of decision-making smoke. I changed the stem for her and sent her on her way even though she tried to give me a few dollars for my trouble since I wasn't going to charge her for the stem. I brushed it off- don't worry lady, you'll be spending enough on this car far too soon anyway.
- the movie "Grandma's Boy" is funny as crap. Not funnier than say Anchorman or Super Troopers, but it's still hillarious, and worth a 4 dollar rental.
-If you can, look up the comedy show "Axis of Evil" and go see it. Saw it with some friends last night in DC, was awesome like whoa.
A lady comes in with her two kids and says she needs to get her tire plugged. I'm thinkin no big, even when the leak turns out to be coming from her valvue stem (the little nubbin sticking out of the tire that you put air in). Anyway upon further inspection, I find out that there is a small cut on the sidewall of her tire, which we can't plug, which means her tire is no good and she needs a new one.
I give her the bad news, and then dip into the office real quick to look up the price of her tire. $125 bucks for a single tire? Shit. I go out and give her more bad news, and my manager who was walking by, notices that the car she's driving is an all-wheel drive car. He drops the bomb and totally blows any hope she has of fixing this problem with a small amount of money- you can't replace just one tire with an all-wheel drive car, you have to replace them all at once!
The deal is that all the tires have to spin at the same rate, and if I had put the new tire on, it would have been spinning slower than the rest, which would have fucked up the transmission. Shiiiiit! My buddy and I who were standing around when my manager chin-checked the lady with this brick of bad news were both like "

- the movie "Grandma's Boy" is funny as crap. Not funnier than say Anchorman or Super Troopers, but it's still hillarious, and worth a 4 dollar rental.
-If you can, look up the comedy show "Axis of Evil" and go see it. Saw it with some friends last night in DC, was awesome like whoa.