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Children - camp - work

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  • Children - camp - work

    Last weekend I was on a Childrens camp as a instructor or what it is called (don't know). It was a real great experience and alot of fun. Though my legs are abit stiff because of the constant running and moving to place to place. : ) The camp was from friday to sunday, about 24 children paritisipated, which imo was quite a good number.

    It was very hard to get the boys to sleep, usually around 1:00 am they started sleeping.. >_>
    Even one troublesome child can cause some chaos.. : D

    Basically what really made my time at the camp was being with the children and listen to what they had to say. And I was really suprised when this little cute girl came and asked me to spin her around and lift her up into the air, which was a great experience. Also that she wanted to me to hold her in my arms/embrace (hold a child in one's arms).

    Abit less fun happening on the camp was when these two boys couldn't behave, actually they couldn't behave too often overout the time when the camp was. And so this time when they started to behave rudely agains eachother, as in fighting and teasing eachother, I had to seperate them, take the other, actually take him under his arms and drag him to a separate room, where the the leader of the camp was, just to cool the kid down for awhile. And what amazed me was, that he didn't really struggle that much, even though he knew now he had done something very wrong. And he sat very silently at his chair, which was kinda agains his nature to be quiet. =) Didn't use extreme force, took him very softly to the other room, he didn't struggle.

    Have you ever been a guide/instructor on a childrens camp? Or have you ever worked with children? If so, share some of your experiences on this front.. I'd love to hear! : )
    Endless space, endless exploration.

  • #2
    Originally posted by 1ight
    And I was really suprised when this little cute girl came and asked me to spin her around and lift her up into the air, which was a great experience. Also that she wanted to me to hold her in my arms/embrace (hold a child in one's arms).
    OMG peodophile!


    • #3
      No, I hate fucking hate children for the exact reasons you just posted (the whole fighting, not sleeping thing). They're annoying, rude, over zealous...assbags. Ugh. If I ever were a camp counselor, I'd just be yelling at the kids all the time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Riesen
        No, I hate fucking hate children for the exact reasons you just posted (the whole fighting, not sleeping thing). They're annoying, rude, over zealous...assbags. Ugh. If I ever were a camp counselor, I'd just be yelling at the kids all the time.
        Yeah, you need nerves of steel. : D Us counselors had our room at top of the boys room. And some empty rooms upstairs. So we used these rooms as solidary rooms, if someone didn't behave when bedtime, they went straight to this room. But, luckly we didn't need to used any of these rooms. Usually kids kinda test the counselors.. ^^

        Skitzo, I don't feel eros love for children.
        Endless space, endless exploration.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 1ight
          Have you ever been a guide/instructor on a childrens camp? Or have you ever worked with children? If so, share some of your experiences on this front.. I'd love to hear! : )
          I'm a leader/helper of my Church's youth and every year we go to Wales for 3 days (fun, I know). It's really a weekend of teaching but the young uns aren't there for that, they just want to piss about and I don't blame them, they're kids after all. The boys dorms are split by age but they're next to each other, so as the elders try to sleep it's the young ones keeping us awake; sometimes breaking into our dorm or whatever it is kids do. On the Sunday we go into town and the beach, but there's a joke shop in town. During the day a stink bomb or similiar will be let off, then we clean up and go home.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Riesen
            No, I hate fucking hate children for the exact reasons you just posted (the whole fighting, not sleeping thing). They're annoying, rude, over zealous...assbags. Ugh. If I ever were a camp counselor, I'd just be yelling at the kids all the time.
            i love your avatar(S)

            they continue to impress me, especially the jobe (sp) one
            Last edited by Jeenyuss; 08-07-2006, 05:23 AM. Reason: plural
            Originally posted by turmio
            jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
            Originally posted by grand
            I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeenyuss
              i love your avatar(S)

              they continue to impress me, especially the jobe (sp) one
              Please everytime you post I get that embarrassment feeling. You make me cringe you stupid dork! STFU!!!!!!!!1

              Sorry light


              • #8
                i worked at a bible camp for a few years. (hmmm, seven maybe?)

                i don't think there's much advice to give a person, because everybody interacts with kids differently, because everybody is in fact different.

                there are, however, a few basic guidelines that i'm sure you're aware of, dont hurt the kids, dont hate the kids, dont get too touchy-feely.

                also, i've found that there's nothing like working with a large number of kids that'll cure you of the desire to have some of your own some day.


                • #9
                  I currently work at one of those rich daycares that parents send there kids too for a couple thousand dollars a year. I work in the afternoon during the daycare hours where i just watch and make sure the kids dont kill themselves. I find it rewarding at times becuase parents will come up to me and tell me there son/daughter loves to hang out with me. Oh, people call me a daycare worker but i like to call myself an "Aftercare Specialist" ^-^

                  But it can get nerve racking getting those kids to sleep everyday. BUt the job pays great and its usually a stress free job so i enjoy it.


                  • #10
                    What's the age group?

                    I'm not a big fan of teaching anything after 2nd or 3rd grade... thats when they start getting on my nerves.

                    Younger children are a lot more gullible and easier to control.
                    TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                    TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                    TelCat> i dont


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SkiTzO
                      Please everytime you post I get that embarrassment feeling. You make me cringe you stupid dork! STFU!!!!!!!!1

                      Sorry light
                      Oh, it's very understandable that I make YOU feel embarassed.

                      Originally posted by Skitz"Oh-face"McDouche
                      Anyway I know why only white people are seen and attacked for being racist.

                      Because when we are racist they know that we have alot valid arguments and feel very very threatened.
                      Yes, white people do have very valid arguments. I believe we are the only race that do have solid arguments.

                      Originally posted by SliTzO
                      I have created pleanty of great squads including I 8 JOOZ and WhitePride
                      True, those are pretty good. But I am going to take "I'M A RACIST BITCH" before you can, you can still join though ^___^

                      Originally posted by Cunty Fucklid
                      I was trying to stay out the way of LB. I knew he was going to try and provoke me, hes a smartass who thinks he is da man in da forum. Its almost as if you two have planned this little hunt to get me but it didnt work now FUCK OFF!
                      Hmm, I also find it's a good way to personalize with the blacks by using their slang termonology. That way when I tell them to fuck off and eat watermelons they completely understand me. Yo, you feel me dawg?

                      Originally posted by Skazi
                      "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
                      Adolf Hitler
                      Usually when I want people to like me, I quote Hitler also.

                      Originally posted by Regan Burns
                      I did and my view is that he is a foul mouthed immature racist
                      Last edited by Jeenyuss; 08-07-2006, 11:03 PM.
                      Originally posted by turmio
                      jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                      Originally posted by grand
                      I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                        Usually when I want people to like me, I quote Hitler also.
                        Or his current sig from a neo-Nazi terrorist.

                        Edit: I hope that piece of shit fried slowly. Gotta love those starburst flares :grin:.
                        Last edited by Kolar; 08-07-2006, 11:21 PM.


                        • #13
                          in my experience bible camp is everything but bible camp.
                          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by golden duck
                            I currently work at one of those rich daycares that parents send there kids too for a couple thousand dollars a year. I work in the afternoon during the daycare hours where i just watch and make sure the kids dont kill themselves. I find it rewarding at times becuase parents will come up to me and tell me there son/daughter loves to hang out with me. Oh, people call me a daycare worker but i like to call myself an "Aftercare Specialist" ^-^

                            But it can get nerve racking getting those kids to sleep everyday. BUt the job pays great and its usually a stress free job so i enjoy it.
                            Sounds like a very nice job, I don't know why I'm in the IT-Buisness.. :z

                            Bioture, the age group on the camp I was on, was kinda around maybe 5-12. Some younger children with their sisters and brothers. Also some 15-17 ones, though as semi-helpers.

                            Skitzo, its alright. : )
                            Endless space, endless exploration.

