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Post 1 picture of your summer vacation

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  • #31
    I was a dumbass and rolled some 20x salvia in a dutch, I laughd for about 5 minutes and that was it. I could never find a butane lighter so I still haven't used it the right way, but that shit is more expensive then pot so fuck it.
    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    2:BLeeN> veh yes
    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
    2:BLeeN> ok then no
    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


    • #32
      If you did salvia and all that happened to you was a little bit of laughing, it was probably a placebo effect.. Salvia is by far the most intense and frightening hallucinogen you can get.. unless you are/know a professional chemist or you've eaten a LOT of acid at once. I've seen many people do salvia incorrectly, and they claim it's some kind of bullshit drug. Of the 10 or so people I've done salvia with or spotted (this is 20x, and this is doing it correctly.. a large bowl through a bong with no water and a butane lighter) 9 of them had extremely scary trips, where they pretty much fell around on the floor, laughed uncontrollably, and talked complete jibberish for 10 minutes. So pretty much if you can form a complete sentence and talk to someone on salvia.. it didn't work right.

      The experiences are pretty amazing too, one guy thought the ground turned into an ocean and he was falling through it, another girl believed that she had become a wall and was going to be stuck as a wall forever, she also believed water was rising around her everywhere, one person "lost" himself and, while drooling, kept asking repeatedly "WHERE'S JON??" (his name). For me, taking salvia means entering the salvia world.. during the trip I believe this world is actually the real world, everyone and everything is being created by thousands of tiny little people, and along the edge of everything the little people are holding letters, that form words, that tell the future.. It's extremely scary because I can sometimes recognize people looking at me funny while I'm tripping, but in the salvia world I believe they're all against me because there is an ominous voice telling me this. Salvia is an extremely intense drug and should not be done by people who aren't completely stable mentally, or idiots who think it will be another fun party drug.


      • #33
        I guess this is as good a place as any to ask this.

        A friend of mine wanted to unload a few ounces of salvia leaf (not extract). Is it worth it to buy it as leaf? Or should I just get some of the more powerful extract?

        For the record, I don't have the time at the moment to make the extract myself, or I would. So distilling the leaf into extract isn't an option :-p
        :confused: Are human fat?

