We had an 80's day in school (Senior Week) and my god it was so fucking fun (yet tiring). Well here is how it went down. Me and my boy matched up in those track suits (I was in puma, he was in Adidas). And we walked around the school with a boombox playing break dance music (African Bambaataa's perfect beat, Sugarhill gang's apache, Run DMC's The King of rock, and a shit load of other songs, only one coming to my mind being sucka MC). And we had some cardboard and would just randomly put the cardboard on the ground and start breakdancing. Man people would just surround us and jump in and start doing their dances and shit. We skipped first hour roaming the halls doing this. and played music in some of our classes that had cool teachers (though we got kicked out of our last hour because we tried making a grand entrence, like 10 minutes after the bell rang). The only thing bad about it was that the suits were fucking thick and we are in South Florida with fucking scorching hot weather and annoying humidity and people surrounding you in breakdance circles gets really hot. I was sweating ballz. Plus I'm not allowed to drink water while fasting during Ramadan. But whatever, I sacrificed some grades, learned nothing and got popular by being one of those breakdancer boyz.
How was your day?
How was your day?