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poetry in motion/such a splendid notion/thus begins the literary commotion

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  • poetry in motion/such a splendid notion/thus begins the literary commotion

    there used to be some thread called "tw artists redux to the fifty fourth power" or something along those lines. i'm sure it still exists, but the thing is, it's old and haggard. it's not even yesterday's news. it's the week since last tuesday's news. well, there's that, and then there's the fact that i'm too lazy to track it down and post in it.

    so then, here we go. i'm going to post some of my own writing. you're welcome to post some of yours. it doesn't have to be poetry. i just felt like being a silly goose when i made the thread title. you don't even have to post words! shock! horror! dismay! you're allowed to post digital art or scans of sketches you've done. we're generalizing when we say that you're supposed to post your "art" here.

    one more thing, and i shouldn't even have to say this, but alas, this community requires constant babysitting. don't be a dicklick and ruin the thread with nonsense.

    that seems to be all. thanks, and have a challenging day!

    edit: i forgot to mention it's perfectly okay to constructively critique others' work!
    Last edited by Jason; 11-30-2006, 08:36 PM.
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!

  • #2
    none of this stuff is titled, but who cares.

    those old hands never grow tired
    never seem to care
    about the time they're ticking away
    and that face never smiles
    never laughs
    but it's not down
    no, it sure isn't down
    when tomorrow's just a memory
    and next week becomes the week before last
    those old hands will go right on
    caressing the hours
    the minutes
    the seconds
    and that face won't show a hint of worry
    as we continue to wage wars
    as peace dissolves
    and the world falls to pieces
    those old, reliable hands
    and that cold, emotionless face
    they tell us the time
    and time tells us it doesn't care

    there's a socket in the wall
    and the serprents, they lay siege
    first to strike
    first to draw blood
    plugged in, turned on
    never a refrain from the neverending drain
    we've all sockets in our minds
    and the serpents, they lay siege
    teeth sinking in
    venom coursing swiftly
    tuned in, amped up
    we upload, download, input and take out
    always putting strains on our overloaded brains
    there's a socket in the wall
    and it's time to pay it mind
    we've all sockets in our minds
    and it's time we built a wall

    i hear the faint pitter patter
    the giggles as they scatter
    memories of a childhood long since past
    a time when innocence
    meant not having to make sense
    lullabies gently silencing cries
    laugher lasting forever after
    life was fun, not dysfunctional
    fear was a monster under the bed
    not murder, not war, not tolls of the dead
    i hear toys being tossed about
    the joy and the glee of a playful shout
    memories of a childhood long since past
    we've all grow up far too fast
    now innocence is a foreign planet
    and we haven't wished up a star
    since we were kids
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


    • #3
      this black ink is midnight
      and it's past my bed time
      yeah, it's past my bed time
      i'm darkness and i'm falling
      and only the sunrise can catch me
      yeah, only the sunrise can catch me
      fast awake and wide asleep
      we're all dreaming
      let's never stop beginning
      happy endings have to start somewhere

      if you die in a plane crash
      over the atlantic
      i'll be on the rescue boat
      sent out to look for survivors
      and i'll sink that ship
      with my heavy heart
      drag it right on down
      to the bottom of the sea
      and it'll be dark
      and it'll be cold
      but i'll search that ocean floor
      look under every rock i can lift
      stop and talk to every fish i can see
      and it may take awhile
      but i'll find you
      i won't give up 'til i find you
      and you and me
      we'll go for a swim
      we'll pump our arms
      and kick our legs
      and we'll make some friends
      along the way

      sunlight's peeking in
      through the cracks between the blinds
      day breaks across your face
      my heart breaks
      'cause it's just a dream
      rub my eyes
      blink a few times
      remember those quiet times?
      that morning chill
      trying to sneak its way
      under our blankets
      and make the hairs
      on the backs of our necks
      stand on end
      roll over
      come closer
      the cold can't win
      if we gang up on it
      arms wrapped around you
      would've held tighter
      had i known that someday
      it'd just be a dream
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #4
        just six little letters
        but they can sure tear you up
        they can get inside your head
        and that once warm bed you were
        sleeping in
        dreaming in
        those six little letters come
        creeping in
        sneaking up
        and now that bed's as cold as
        the middle of december
        and you pile the blankets on
        you wrap 'em up tight
        but that chill
        it's sticking around
        it's standing its ground
        lonely likes to stay awhile
        lonely likes to sleep over
        night after night

        a sweet crackling ember just inches from my mouth
        it's been too long since a djarum black has graced these lips
        and i'll take a clove over a cigarette any day
        rochester winters come flooding back
        black cloves
        blue hands
        blue lips
        we were too stubborn and too young to come in from the cold
        but it was that chill that made us feel alive
        seeing our breath
        swirls of smoke and steam that rose on up forever
        most of our thoughts were exhaled out into those icy white clouds
        heading off to forever to remembered who knows when
        thoughts were built to be airborne though
        and we sure let them fly
        but not a word was spoken between drag after drag
        the sweet taste
        the cool air making the hairs on the backs of our necks stand up
        what was there to think about?
        what needed to be said?
        a beautiful night, with some stars and a bench to perch on
        everything was as it should be
        and the cloves, they were just fitting in
        interlocking with the whole simple scene
        completing the puzzle of all puzzles

        we all look up at the stars
        but is that gaze ever returned downward?
        all those tiny specs of light
        they have to be twinkling at something
        world's a mess
        and what comes after tomorrow?
        for all we know, it could be the beginning
        for my part, for my fresh start
        i hope one of those stars comes crashing down
        down to greet me and tell me the tales
        only a twinkle of light in the night sky
        could ever tell
        star light, star bright
        come sit with me awhile
        and let's figure out if everything's gonna be alright
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • #5
          i used to be really into stream of consciousness as a form of poetry.

          people make cents
          & i think they are crackpot.
          but a bang, a feel, a kick, a devilishly short time; a change.
          i want to forget the efforts of tomorrow.
          imagine him thousands of years old,

          bits and pieces of too much to never take a deep breath. & security dissapears over the nightstand.
          bad dreams the same dreams the sum of her nightmares.
          cabin lovedaze memories.

          in reality we are not absurd, in reality we are not abused.
          it's your own freedom you destroy.
          glance at the crowd. they're following you.
          when you decide to triumph over tyrants, let the hegelization take root.
          appearing resolute is a good way to come all that way.

          indian imperial police, ordering establishment. it is not always possible, but we can view slides. talk about lepers, in a physical cave, & dread that place.
          i watched them burn and die.
          the funniest word was "tennessee".

          paranoia reflects adulthood education.
          a reach for her arm takes three questions. a plane echoes. bits, pieces, too much together to take a deep breath.
          i am staring into sheepjerking side eyes.

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #6
            I'm also semi-into photography. We like to go trekking through abandoned buildings downtown and record our adventures.


            internet de la jerome

            because the internet | hazardous


            • #7


              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • #8

                Hi jase!
                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                • #9
                  When I saw the title this was the first thing I thought of:
                  Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


                  • #10
                    Traditional b&w photography
                    film processing & darkroom work done by yours truly

                    Last edited by Scurvy; 11-30-2006, 10:41 PM.


                    • #11
                      black and white charcoal from live model

                      edit: there is some digital shit on there that obviously isnt supposed to be


                      • #12

                        my cheap photoshop creations i did for two of my friends. i thought they came out pretty neat


                        • #13
                          like the bottom one...i'd reccomend a different font


                          • #14
                            I used to write alot, now I write very little. Here's something from a story I never finished:

                            I will start this story at the beginning.
                            The beginning happened long ago. So long ago, in fact, that I can hardly remember truth from lie, action from thought, life from death.
                            Long ago, I had no hope for human kind. Today, I have some hope, although it exists in only the most optimistic parts of my mind. It is placed somewhere between to the thought of my own immortality and a sex romp with Marilyn Monroe.
                            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                            • #15
                              A riddle:

                              Several blind men approached a leper, 'hello good sir, I am in search of a motorcycle' exclaimed the blind men.
                              The leper replied 'A motorcycle sirs? what do you need that for', the blind men replied in a sarcastic manor 'yes, a motorcycle'.


                              You decide.

