I'm planning on investing in a new mouse this Christmas. Right now, I'm looking at the Logitech G5. I've tried it out and really liked the feel of it and it just seemed to glide across the screen. The only thing I'm worried about, though, is the cord. My computer is actually placed on the floor, about 7 feet at most away from where I would put my mouse. I need to know, whoever has the G5: a) how long is the cord? b) does the revolutionary 'shoelace' design make the mouse feel like wireless, or does it feel constrained like a regular optical usb mouse (which I can't stand). Other than the G5, it's hard to find a mouse that has the comfort and gaming competence I need. If someone knows another mouse that would fit my needs (feels free, smooth, can be used for gaming) please tell me, or answer my questions about the G5. Thanks.
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To all gamers out there:
Every time I have to use a mouse with a wire at uni, it annoys me. I love both my wireless mouses. Though I am not that much of a gamer so I don't use it for those purposes.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
Willing to spare 3$? If you are just go here: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicati...8066&CatId=444
Cord is 6ft and mouse cord is at least 1ft.I would usually say go wireless with the mouse, but 7 ft is pushing it with latency. :turned:
Last edited by Brighter; 12-17-2006, 05:57 PM...........