Because of high concentrations of SMOG in certain parts of Belgium (Antwerp and Brussels), our goverment lowered the maximum speed on the highways around these city's. Normally you could drive 120km/u as of now, when the SMOG-alert is active you only can drive 90km/u and inside Brussels at some point only 50km/u.
Result: 1000% more speedingtickets the first day.
Good thing I ride my bike
A lot of people are complaining, but I don't know. I think this is a good step towards a better world and I feel proud my goverment dared to implement such a decession.
But it's still kinda weird, now we have to drive slower when it's snowing, raining, freezing and Smogging.
You guys think this is a good call? It's not that it helps that much, its more a statement, I guess..
btw -> when it's smogging, start jogging... erhm lol...

Good thing I ride my bike

A lot of people are complaining, but I don't know. I think this is a good step towards a better world and I feel proud my goverment dared to implement such a decession.
But it's still kinda weird, now we have to drive slower when it's snowing, raining, freezing and Smogging.
You guys think this is a good call? It's not that it helps that much, its more a statement, I guess..
btw -> when it's smogging, start jogging... erhm lol...