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*Spoiler Riddled* LOST ... to this point.

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  • #16
    They wander 'round teh island and look profoundly lost. Some shit about computers and grand schemes later on; never bothered to watch it.
    2:Displaced> k washed my nuts, hope they stop itching now
    2:Displaced> now its my fucking foot that is itching, FOR FUCKS SAKE

    2:Eeks> there was this girl that had a crush on me
    2:Eeks> and she had the biggest boobs i've ever seen live
    2:Eeks> had back problems too i think
    2:Eeks> it was kinda disturbing when her boobs were bigger than her head

    1:DangerGirl> spider, give your cap to era
    1:spider> Wooooohoo!
    1:spider> .*passes the hat*
    1:Erathia> <eats the hat>


    • #17
      I think Locke will eventually end up being the main villian.


      • #18
        WVLUB Theory

        (Walt vs Locke Ultimate Battle)


        • #19
          For some reason when I saw Jack playing football the first thought that popped into my mind was he's a freaking clone! The others are cloning people for some reason or another. It doesn't make much sense when you think about it though.


          • #20
            i personally like that theorie that the losties didnt crash from a plane. they are volunteers/forced experimentee's. Hence the others know so much about them.

            And what i don't get...
            :::wasnt Jack still helt hostage when Kate and Soyer excaped. So within a few days Jack was released from capture and moved back to the big island to be accepted?
            ::: what capt. one eye said " yuor not capable to understand" , what does that mean?
            ::: How does <forgot his name> remember /see in the future all the time...


            • #21
              There are no clones. The idea from that came from a fake "script" picture from one of the Hanzo/Dharma sites. It was a script that had Jack tackling some guy who looked just like him and then the clone going "No, I'm Jack" and something like that.

              Same script had Jin, speaking English, fighting off Zombies with Michael in the Armory of the Hatch .. so we all know how that went out, lmao.


              • #22
                What is DHARMA?
                What was their purpose?
                How did they start?
                What do the NUMBERS mean?
                What are they currently doing?


                All answers lie in here. (Does not spoil Season 3, this was released between Seasons 2 and 3)


                • #23
                  god! that last episode's ending was terribly awesome


                  • #24
                    Haha Sawyer: CSI was pretty badass, considering it was pretty minimal for plot-movement. But, it did serve a purpose to show you how long they've really been on the island. 80 days .. seems like years, since we only get once a week.

                    Interestingly enough, they took a page out of Tarantino's book, with Pulp Fiction. When you watch the beginning of Pulp Fiction, the diner scene, the lady says one thing. When you see it again at the end of the movie, the words are slightly changed. Quentin said it's because a person can perceve an event differently from what actually transpired. Like, Samuel L's character hearing a slightly different phrase from that which was said.

                    Now, you look at Lost last episode, Boone and Shannon are back, in flashback form. And if you noticed, for all the scenes they were in, they were wearing wigs. Like, again, they see things differently? It was an intentional change in small events that lead up to their death? or They really had Boone and Shannon re-shoot those scenes and they needed wigs to look somewhat near what they did when they began?


                    • #25
                      Pretty sure they had scenes reshot, because I don't think Nikki was even in the first episodes (especially the one with the plane crash).


                      • #26
                        Nikki is smokin'
                        USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                        ---A few minutes later---
                        9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                        9:Kim> UM
                        9:Kim> i didn't
                        9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                        9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                        9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                        9:pascone> lol?


                        • #27
                          Well it looked like they just digitally added her into the scenes from Season 1 and such. Not reshoot, just like greenscreened in or something.


                          • #28
                            Did you think last week's Lost was a throwaway episode? Think again..


                            And btw: If you want an official Lost forum: just click on "Theory Boards".
                            Last edited by Dameon Angell; 04-01-2007, 06:11 AM.

