System- Xbox360
Players - 1-2 (co-op is beautiful)
Setting- It's the year 2017 and aliens have come to the planet. They're giant insects and they want to destroy us, thus they are given the name the "Ravagers". This game is ridiculous in terms of fun. You play as a member of the EDF, the Earth Defense Force, and your main goal is to kill every bug in site. But there aren't just bugs, there are giant robots as well, and dinosaurs with robotic augments
Remember those wacky movies from the 50's about giant alien bugs and robots from outer space coming to attack planet earth? Yeah, it's here, in game form.

53 levels of insane mayhem and constant shooting
150 different weapons ranging from grenade launchers, assault riles, rockets, flame throwers, plasma launchers, land mines and mini-turrets that you can operate. Those are just a few, there are tons more.

4 different vehicles- Tank, Helicopter, Battle suit (think Dreadnought from WH40K, Robot that Ripley used at the end of Alien) and hoverbike. I don't like using them much because I have much more fun running on foot around and killing shit but my buddy loves the tank.
The controls are smooth as a baby's butt and while the models are simplistic (understandable since there are so many onscreen at a time), the game still looks beautiful and never chugs at a horrible frame rate. Another fun factor is that everything in the game can be destroyed- yes especially the buildings and cars you're trying to protect. The explosions in this game are purty as well
Best of all, the game is only 40 Dollars!!!
Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, EB- any of these places have it, and they have it for 40 bucks. It's a budget game which means it was made to be a cheap game to buy- don't miss this game, I can't describe how much fun it is to go around killing shit with a buddy in Co-Op. After 5 and a half hours of playing the game (from the beginning), we are only 11% done, and it's not even close to boring or monotonous yet.
No reason to not go get this game- it's cheap as shit, it's fun as hell, you'll have plenty of shit to do in the game! It's rated

System- Xbox360
Players - 1-2 (co-op is beautiful)
Setting- It's the year 2017 and aliens have come to the planet. They're giant insects and they want to destroy us, thus they are given the name the "Ravagers". This game is ridiculous in terms of fun. You play as a member of the EDF, the Earth Defense Force, and your main goal is to kill every bug in site. But there aren't just bugs, there are giant robots as well, and dinosaurs with robotic augments
Remember those wacky movies from the 50's about giant alien bugs and robots from outer space coming to attack planet earth? Yeah, it's here, in game form.

53 levels of insane mayhem and constant shooting
150 different weapons ranging from grenade launchers, assault riles, rockets, flame throwers, plasma launchers, land mines and mini-turrets that you can operate. Those are just a few, there are tons more.

4 different vehicles- Tank, Helicopter, Battle suit (think Dreadnought from WH40K, Robot that Ripley used at the end of Alien) and hoverbike. I don't like using them much because I have much more fun running on foot around and killing shit but my buddy loves the tank.
The controls are smooth as a baby's butt and while the models are simplistic (understandable since there are so many onscreen at a time), the game still looks beautiful and never chugs at a horrible frame rate. Another fun factor is that everything in the game can be destroyed- yes especially the buildings and cars you're trying to protect. The explosions in this game are purty as well
Best of all, the game is only 40 Dollars!!!
Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, EB- any of these places have it, and they have it for 40 bucks. It's a budget game which means it was made to be a cheap game to buy- don't miss this game, I can't describe how much fun it is to go around killing shit with a buddy in Co-Op. After 5 and a half hours of playing the game (from the beginning), we are only 11% done, and it's not even close to boring or monotonous yet.
No reason to not go get this game- it's cheap as shit, it's fun as hell, you'll have plenty of shit to do in the game! It's rated
