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What annoys you most about your culture?

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  • What annoys you most about your culture?

    Since I'm always knocking other cultures for shits and giggles, I figured this would be something fun and different. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a shitfest, but if it does I'm down.

    It doesn't have to be specific to your nation - just anything about any culture you're a part of.

    For me, it's the constant appeals to working-class America in advertising. I worked construction and it fucking sucked - there is nothing cool about some redneck throwing a bunch of shit into the bed of a truck that makes me want to buy it. Future advertisers: please stop.

  • #2
    Because I'm English, and I live in Canada, people pester me 24/7 with questions like 'do you love crumpets?' and shit.

    I'm just going to hope this is relevant to the thread.


    • #3
      -The media.
      -The creeping socialism and the mindset that comes with it: that the government can fix problems. Seriously. People want to fix problems the government created. Have people not learned their lessons? I think socialism in of itself is wrong, but it works for some countries. But i think the slow transitory process happening in America, which mashes up capitalism, welfarism, democracy - it makes for some awesome, AWESOME beauracratic fuck. I seriously get angry, like physically angry. I can be picked on by an asshole and it honest-to-god does not make me flinch (Asperger's and the absence of emotion, YEAH) but if I think about the type of person who would complain about the National Debt and then advocate creating 50 agencies to micro-manage american life - I punch things, I kick things, I set thingsa on fire, I wish I could fucking murder every politician in this goddamn country.

      internet de la jerome

      because the internet | hazardous


      • #4
        how our awesomeness makes the rest of the world jealous and drives them to irrational hatred


        • #5

          A general passive-is-good mentality. To go along with that, the feeling that the collective good is a priority over you as an individual.

          Overbearing-ness of strict academics and awards over creativity of an individual.


          • #6
            Ruining everything for everyone.
            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


            • #7
              I dunno how bad it is everywhere else, but living in Orange County and seeing all of the fakes. Fake tans/hair/boobs/white teeth/eyelashes/everything else. What makes it worse is how fake the girl's personality it. And that the guys like it. (I know not all guys do).

              I try to stay away from getting involved in political debates, because there is just too much crap and lies and "truths" to handle.

              I also cant stand how everyone tries to not cause controversy. Yeah, these forums may be different but so many times I give my honest opinion and my friends just stare at me because I'm so blunt about it. Simple things like discussions/debate about a topic and I hear people say "jeez you two stop fighting." I mean come on!

              Ok I've vented.


              • #8
                Every single thing Jerome said: Ditto.

                o// REVERE ILYAZ, JASON & GRAN \\o


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MirrorriM View Post
                  I dunno how bad it is everywhere else, but living in Orange County and seeing all of the fakes. Fake tans/hair/boobs/white teeth/eyelashes/everything else. What makes it worse is how fake the girl's personality it. And that the guys like it. (I know not all guys do).
                  Yeah, I basically experience fake vs. real when I switched high schools, from the typical clique-based school to a "liberal arts" school. But yeah, the chicks were my main complaint about the first school

                  I try to stay away from getting involved in political debates, because there is just too much crap and lies and "truths" to handle.
                  Usually "not getting involved in political debates" comes with "not getting involved in politics", which usually translates to "i don't have a political philosophy". I'm not going to slam you, hell, in this day in age you're probably the better person for not being involved in that shit, but I think that having a political philosophy really helps you find yourself. I started off reading the Communist Manifesto, and it didn't... feel right, so I tried the opposing end, the free market, and by reading up on it, I've discovered alot about who I am. Inherent but not obvious to many a body politic is a moral base on which it is grounded. For instance, I prefer a no-regulation, limited government free market system because I am an individualist (at the core of the free market is the individual), I enjoy innovation (the market promotes progress via monetary gain), I trust people (because that's what a transaction is - you trust them to give you the product, they trust you to give you the money, you trust the government to backup the value of your dollar), so on and so forth.


                  internet de la jerome

                  because the internet | hazardous


                  • #10
                    fuck, so god damn apologetic. it doesn't happen to all of us but it seriously fucked me over. i'd say i say sorry at least ten times daily.
                    Originally posted by turmio
                    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                    Originally posted by grand
                    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                    • #11
                      decrease in annual beheading and suicide bombing percentages
                      All good things must come to an end.


                      • #12
                        "people fix what the government fucks up" lol that sounds like an anarchist talking..christ theres some major fuck-ups on subspace forums.

                        and the government cant fix problems now? what city are you living in? who is responsible for putting it there? who did they work for? who were they contracted by? you need to learn some appreciation for what you have
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • #13
                          Probably the fact that we're so fixated on killing each other and everyone else on this planet.
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Izor View Post
                            "people fix what the government fucks up" lol that sounds like an anarchist talking..christ theres some major fuck-ups on subspace forums.

                            and the government cant fix problems now? what city are you living in? who is responsible for putting it there? who did they work for? who were they contracted by? you need to learn some appreciation for what you have
                            I meant to type "people want the government fixing what the government fucks up"

                            My city was built by a Captain Henry Miller Shreve, who was, in fact, in the employ of a logging and development company, who had no ties with the government (though he was ex-Army Corps of Engineers). I appreciate his work, yes, I do. He was a hard-working dude, not some beauracrat.

                            I've never actually made the connection to the founder of my city and him being a champion of the private vs. government debate, so thanks for giving me insight into that. You've merely strengthened my convictions.

                            Edit: hell, while I'm at it, Shreveport was the home of Standard Oil for quite some time - until hasty government regulations wrecked the oil industry and fucked my city over. And now, it's a booming casino city, Pure Hatred comes here to gamble - yet the government insists on cutting into the casinos via regulation. What a shame.
                            NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                            internet de la jerome

                            because the internet | hazardous


                            • #15

                              people who would rather see their own die than some insurgents


                              people who think stricter gun laws would prevent a crime involving an illegal gun

                              people that send classified information via e-mail

                              college kids that think they know everything in the world with no world experience

                              people who think getting high is the best thing in life

                              kids that have never gotten high before yet still wear shirts referring to it or add 420 to their online aliases

                              anyone that adds 420 to their online alias

                              rofl @ the same guy always throwing shit into his pickup truck in the commercials

                              People who claim others as ignorant simply for disagreeing with them (pretty much any time you hear someone called ignorant anymore)

                              The 'no accountability for your own actions' attitude in our country leading to ridiculous lawsuits

                              Affirmative action

                              Lowering our academic standards so that no child is left behind

                              Anyone stupid enough to succumb to conspiracy theories or half the shit that comes out about our evil gov't
                              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan

