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Calc Question

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  • #31
    There are lots of ways to proceed from here, but there's one simple, elegant solution.

    You see that "tree" chart of derivatives Hero made? Once you've found a constant derivative, then you'll have a pattern. You can then trace the pattern backwards to extrapolate to find y for other values of x. That is, now that you have established the third derivative is a constant, you can now find values for y for values of x greater than 5 and less than 1. More specifically, you want to find the value of y when x=0.

    Why? Not because it's a vertex or inflection point or anything fancy like that. There's a simpler reason. As Fit of Rage pointed out, the equation is of the form:

    y = 2x^3 + (C/2)x^2 + Dx + E

    At x=0, the first three terms of the polynomial are also equal to 0, meaning y=E. Now go on to the first derivative formula, substitute the values for y' at x=0 to solve for D, and so on.


    • #32

      P(x)=a + a1 (x-1) + a2(x-1)(x-2) +a3(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) + a4(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)

      x=1 / y=1 --> a = 1
      x=2 / y=-3 --> a1=-4
      x=3 / y=5 --> a2=6
      x=4 /y=37 --> a3=2
      x=5/y=105 -->a4=0

      P(x)= 1 - 4(x-1) +6(x-1)(x-2) +2(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)

      P(x)=5 - 6x^2 + 2x^3
      Last edited by Mega Newbie; 05-03-2007, 01:40 AM.


      • #33
        got it. thanks dudes
        the price is right, bitch.

