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  • #16
    Likes absolutely everybody.
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


    • #17
      once had sex with vladimir putin's daughter because he didn't feel like paying for caviar

      internet de la jerome

      because the internet | hazardous


      • #18
        insists on posting pictures of his girlfriend and having conversations with her on forums, despite everyone's lack of interest. liberal that is worthless to society in general. could go on, but that would be more than a few lines and im lazy
        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


        • #19
          Poster boy of the new American image that everybody loves
          "... I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost


          • #20
            not sure where he came from but very, very interested in him due to not spotting any real bad posts

            edit: izor, check my post history, you'll see i have a very conservative streak (and hell check up on the conservative movement and you'll see my views are hardcore classical conservative) as well as maybe a few photos of my girlfriend posted, ever. you might want to check my girlfriend's username for photos of girlfriend. you're an idiot, please try not to de-rail this thread.

            internet de la jerome

            because the internet | hazardous


            • #21
              Only recently discovered Izor's tenuous connection to the concept of "truth".


              • #22
                The baddest mother you ever met. In real life goes by the name 'Sir Pimpsalot' and enjoys a feather bowa collection.
                The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                • #23
                  another lib, made even more useless to society due to the fact that he is canadian. I think his grandfather got shot off a boat in ww2, and when me and wark were really drunk we simulated that on super smash brothers..we got a good laugh out of it but really now I'm wondering if that makes me more of an asshole

                  not editing that, fuck you nn
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #24
                    wark's bumbuddy
                    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                    ---A few minutes later---
                    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                    9:Kim> UM
                    9:Kim> i didn't
                    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                    9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                    9:pascone> lol?


                    • #25
                      pronounced ea-won instead of anything else


                      • #26
                        Likes movies, breathing oxygen and converting protein intake into muscle energy.


                        • #27
                          Overcame compulsion to masturbate.
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                          Originally posted by the_paul
                          Gargle battery acid fuckface
                          Originally posted by Material Girl
                          I tried downloading a soundcard


                          • #28
                            needs to write hot or not
                            I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                            I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                            • #29
                              needs plastic surgery
                              DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 8 CHAMP
                              DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
                              DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
                              DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP
                              DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 15 CHAMP
                              DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 16 CHAMP

                              1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
                              1:waven> is if im going to prison
                              1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


                              • #30
                                Obsessed with a mediocre-looking woman
                                1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
                                1:Cower> Sword
                                1:Kthx> ok
                                1:Cower> Axe
                                1:Kthx> WAIT, YOU GOT IT
                                1:Cower> ?
                                1:Kthx> GET OFF THE CHAT

