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Unreal Tournament 2008 (UT3) Beta Demo is out and you CAN play it!

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  • Unreal Tournament 2008 (UT3) Beta Demo is out and you CAN play it!

    Goto or to find a link to get your copy. If you're worried that the game won't work on your rig and think it will explode your computer at the intro screen, don't worry. Unreal Engine 3 is compatable and runs smoothly on older computers in the low settings. And no, it doesn't look like complete ass, still plays great.

    Check it out, don't be "scurrrd".

    And in the immortal words of that talentless fuck "SouljaBoy": YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UU

  • #2
    I thought it kinda sucked balls, to be honest. I mean, it definitely looks and plays like a UT, but I think that the franchise itself has become totally stale. The only thing that I thought was interesting at all is the hoverboard and the whole "ride on the bumper of a vehicle like you were Michael J. Fox."

    Personally, having this come out so near to Crysis--UT's going to get spanked at the sales counter.
    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


    • #3
      Hoverboards are the coolest part, I think, too. I'm going out on a limb and gonna say that Crysis isn't going to live up to it's hype. But, prove me wrong, I'd love to play a game with such high aspirations that delivers.

      The UT formula may be getting old, but the modding community should take the reigns of this new engine and bring out some kickass stuff, too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd View Post
        I thought it kinda sucked balls, to be honest. I mean, it definitely looks and plays like a UT, but I think that the franchise itself has become totally stale. The only thing that I thought was interesting at all is the hoverboard and the whole "ride on the bumper of a vehicle like you were Michael J. Fox."

        Personally, having this come out so near to Crysis--UT's going to get spanked at the sales counter.
        Totally agreed. Vehicles was the only part that were able to take my attention off the Orange Box for 10 minutes FPS wise. With Crysis coming in like a megahit superstar, this doesn't get a chance to shine.
        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


        • #5
          lol "crysis"

          The graphics are so close to Unreal's if you look at the screen shots, infact some unreal screen shots look better than crysis all together.

          It's going to come down to the game play, and I don't think crysis will be able to out-do epic in that area, at all.

          Unreal's game play may be getting stale, but thats to the people who have been playing unreal since the franchise ever started. Players who are new to the game play of Unreal, will love it like it was their first, because their game play is outstanding, and they are one of the few franchise that stick to their original values; which is what will keep the Unreal franchise to continue (even though I heard UT 3 IS the last one, they will be making other FPS games starting now).

          Far Cry was fun, but the graphics never impressed me, much. Crysis does look impressive (just as impressive as unreal) but as I said above, it will have to have some seriously bad ass game play to keep up.

          Unreal Tournament 3 doesn't need a "chance to shine" it pretty much shines when it's on the shelves, because so many die hard fans pick it up ASAP.

          I honestly believe people with the money will pick up a copy of Unreal Tournament 3, AND Crysis. Especially fans of the FPS genre.. missing out on either one of these games as a fan of this Genre.. well you just shouldn't.
          Last edited by Purple Heart; 10-21-2007, 07:14 PM.
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