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  • Amsterdam

    I'm considering going to Amsterdam real soon. To me, it sounds like heaven. I got a few questions:

    Is it pricey to stay in Amsterdam?

    Is it a safe city compared to other big cities?

    Now to the more important stuff:

    How much does the good weed cost?

    Is it worth planning so I come during the Cannabis Cup?

    Lastly: Is there anything else worth knowing?
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it

  • #2
    It's 'expensive', safe, and it's more like hell than heaven to me.
    You ate some priest porridge


    • #3
      according to dutch standarts amsterdam isn't that safe. pickpockers tend to target tourists. oh and I agree with Zerz about the hell part -_-
      2:Cig Smoke> why u challengin me to a duel
      2:Cig Smoke> When i clearly am better
      2:Miksel> becouse you think you great
      2:Cig Smoke> how many titles have u won
      2:Cig Smoke> im guessin 0
      2:Cig Smoke> thdx
      2:Miksel> elim 3
      2:Cig Smoke> lol elim
      2:Morgane> LOL
      2:Enflame> haha
      2:Cig Smoke> IM TALKIN ABOUT TWL


      • #4
        Don't go around buying "stuff" off the streets as well, foreigners usually get ripped off 4/5. Amsterdam is expensive compared with the rest of NL, but for Scandinavian standards it's still not extremely so. Hotels and taxi's are expensive to everyone's standard.
        "... I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost


        • #5
          I only aim for buying my stuff in official places like in coffee shops, or in the Cannabis Cup. I'm fully aware that I should only get my THC in places that looks clean and sanctioned.
          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


          • #6
            In my extremely limited experience, Amsterdam was fun as hell. You can meet some really interesting people in a relatively small area. Make sure to leave the Red Light District and actually see some other things while you're there, though. (I know too many people who are dumb who didn't.) I'm sure there are going to be other people in this thread who are far better versed, but I really enjoyed the Rijksmuseum, Civic Guards Gallery, and the Van Gogh Museum (I'm a sucker, I know, every fucking tourist bastard likes the Van Gogh). Point being, there's a ton of shit to do and see--don't get caught up being fucked up for the whole time.

            That being said,I recommend the White Widow. Hands down the absolute best high I've ever had with any substance (albeit my spectrum is fairly narrow outside of the greens). Completely heady, yet it leaves you extremely mobile and "with it."

            On the other end of the spectrum, there was something like "Super Skunk" that was a high like someone hit you with a pot sledgehammer.

            If you're of the lager persuasion, drink Heineken. I think it kind of tastes like butt here in the States, but there, dear god, it was fantastic.
            Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd View Post
              If you're of the lager persuasion, drink Heineken. I think it kind of tastes like butt here in the States, but there, dear god, it was fantastic.
              Heineken at the Heineken Experience (the museum) in Amsterdam was by far the best heineken I've ever had in my entire life... it was unreal how good it was.
              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

              My anime blog:


              • #8
                Jack Herer is my favorite strain - make sure you try it.


                • #9
                  You can find places to stay in about every price range in Amsterdam. You can buy day tickets (maybe even week, not sure I have a card which allows me to use public transportation free for almost the whole year). For the tram, metro, etc (certainly with the new system that is being implemented, depends on how soon you come). Amsterdam is reasonably safe, compared to other big cities. Just don't go wondering about late at night in back alleys. Sure there are pickpockets, but in what big city are they not targeting the tourists.

                  I know nothing about drugs, seeing as I have never ever used any. But overall Amsterdam is a pretty damn awesome city (I am kinda amazed every time I come there, which is a lot the last year for my work). It has good museums and other fun stuff.
                  Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                  • #10
                    Ok, I'm deffinatly going.

                    The only thing that I'm unsure of is that if it's worth planning a trip for the Cannabis Cup.

                    That right there sounds like heaven. You pay an entry fee, and then you get handed a score sheet. From there you go to stands and try the different grass that is around you. While you try to use your pen to write the score on the sheet, note the "try".


                    Some of the best shit in the world will be there. I can't possibly imagine the difference between this and the poor hash we get in Norway.

                    Edit: Holy shit, it's in 5 days! Most of friends are students, so I'm probably the only one who can afford to just go, and I'm actually tempted to go solo. Or else I have to wait 370 days to be there.
                    Last edited by Noah; 11-13-2007, 09:01 AM.
                    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                    • #11
                      I agree with concrete. see more than the RLD.
                      heiniken museum is pretty fun (around my corner).

                      it's relatively cheap, compared to paris, london, scandinavia, etc.

                      if you wanna eat out (other than mc donalds) reserve (thursday to sunday).

                      rent your hotel/hostel/whatever in the following area's. centre, jordaan or in the upper part (north) of 'de pijp'. these 3 are the 'centre'.. or better put: dont go outside it (nothing to do there... for you). if you go with a big group (8 or up) try renting a whole canal house. most exclusive houses and cheaper than indivial hotels. win-win situation.

                      rent a bike. costs 10 euros per day. and hell of fun seeying your buddies get trapped in the tram-line!

                      eat a pancake (when stoned?)!

                      as far as the drugs part.
                      mushrooms are still 'legal'. But we're banning it soon. so if your in for it.. go now.
                      weed. no need for the CCup. there are many good places, but be aware. there is also a huge difference in quality of shops. if your interested i can name good ones. ask for the 'menu' and ask their advice. (experiance, plans for the day/night). (A: for a tourist its fun to talk about weed like it's a different wine type and B: theres a differences to your needs/experiance). There is also the weed museum (in the RLD) with a bong the size of a skippy-ball. i dare you! :P (be aware to die though)

                      learn what "gezellig" means and be aware: dutch women are the tallest in the world.

                      if you need more info, lemme know.

                      oh yeah. take your raincoat with you.


                      • #12

                        and do not take a taxi from the airport. costs you 30+ euros.
                        there is a train under the airport, going directly to the centre. every 6 mins.

                        it's faster and cheaper.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
                          it's more like hell than heaven to me.


                          • #14
                            So most of the coffee shops is located in the RLD?

                            Is Amsterdam segmented into a "clean" part, and a fun part?

                            I really have no clue, I just pictured the entire city to just be utopian stonerville.

                            Edit: Oh, and I'd also be interested in some of your culture while I'm there. Van Gogh musem sounds interesting, and the Heineken place sounds awesome.
                            Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                            5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                            • #15
                              Most dutch don't smoke weed, and if they do, they do it at home or at a party. So in fact, you "see" little of it.

                              Most touristy coffeeshops are located in the RLD, yes.

                              Please don't go to the shop 'the bulldog' (touristy)... they are all over. Go to the "de rokerij" (the smokery). They're a bit harder to find, but the reward will be there.

                              Personally, im not into smoking weed so i don't know the 'types' nowadays. but looking at the Cup winners will give you a nice indication. usually it's white widdow or anything from the brand 'sensi seeds'.

                              ps. if you have done mushrooms before, and your comfortable doing them in public, eat them and goto the van Gogh museum

