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  • #16
    Originally posted by SEAL View Post
    Most dutch don't smoke weed, and if they do, they do it at home or at a party. So in fact, you "see" little of it.

    Most touristy coffeeshops are located in the RLD, yes.

    Please don't go to the shop 'the bulldog' (touristy)... they are all over. Go to the "de rokerij" (the smokery). They're a bit harder to find, but the reward will be there.

    Personally, im not into smoking weed so i don't know the 'types' nowadays. but looking at the Cup winners will give you a nice indication. usually it's white widdow or anything from the brand 'sensi seeds'.

    ps. if you have done mushrooms before, and your comfortable doing them in public, eat them and goto the van Gogh museum
    Oh man, this is utopia. I'm coming down as soon as my broke student friends have saved up some cash. :wub:

    I'm going to give Pred a hard dick in the ass as well, that guy suddenly got lost from the face of internet.
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


    • #17
      if you need more let me know. is a good site too.


      • #18
        Originally posted by SEAL View Post
        mushrooms are still 'legal'. But we're banning it soon. so if your in for it.. go now.
        Aww. Too many tourists ending up half-crazy on the streets of Amsterdam?
        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


        • #19
          I'll take you up on the offer when we get closer to getting a date on going down there, thank you.

          I'm having problems taking in the picture of me sitting as the worlds happiest person in a coffeeshop, it just goes against everything shitty about smoking I've endured here in Norway.

          I want to check out that Arjen fellow, I've seen some of his crops, and the buds looks amazing. I heard that he has his own coffee shop somewhere, I'll consider it the temple of my pilgrim journey.
          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


          • #20
            Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd View Post
            Aww. Too many tourists ending up half-crazy on the streets of Amsterdam?
            Actually I think the direct cause was something similar to that, some tourist killed herself after taking mushrooms?

            Mushrooms have been a point of discussion since they got allowed somewhere in 90s..


            • #21
              I can understand that. I've always found it kind of strange that those were somehow legal--I get the point that they're "natural," and therefore (some argue) not that bad, but some people can have really bad experiences with them and totally lose it. I'm actually surprised the re-banning hadn't happened sooner.

              EDIT: Curiosity's killing me--what do you define as a "skippy ball," Seal?
              Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


              • #22
                Just out of curiousity, how many has died while being under the influence of alcohol in Amsterdam?

                How many has died falling in rivers, and other "nautral" fatalities?

                Taking light drugs doesn't make you invincible, bad shit can still happen. But on the flip-side, bad shit can happen to you even if you sit at home watching TV.

                How many is stoned on shrooms at any given time in Amsterdam? I'm guessing that it's alot.

                I'm not saying that it's safe, and that it should be legal everywhere. I'm just saying that as soon as something happens around it, it gets way too much over-hyped.
                Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                • #23
                  - This french tourist jumped of a bridge earlier this year. France didn't really like it and put pressure on holland.
                  - Then this guy from england 're-decorated' his hotel room (quite funny actually, the centre was locked down for 3 hours. no trams, no caps, no walking. this guy must have a HUGE lawsuit on his ass). They had to take him out in a mental-instable-jacket (how do ya call those? you cant move your arms in them).
                  - Then. a week later another brit did.
                  - 16 july this french guy sliced his dog open with a pair of scissors... the mushrooms 'told him to do it'.

                  Basicly the problem lies with the the tourists. They eat them, dont see any effect (they dont wait for 30 mins), and then eat more. Eventhough there is a huge warning sticker saying dont eat more until it kicks in.Then suddenly the tourists are in La-La-Land, unknown area, unprepaired, wayyy to much in their body. Sadly, the effect lasts for 6 hours, and there is little you can do to reduce it. It's pretty serious stuff and not for the weak/depressed minded.

                  I think a good solution would be to have an X-amount of time limit. (order them and wait for 2 days for example. then pick them up). You will have less impulsive 'mushers' then. Or. Just bann all the french and brits, but then the RDL will be empty

                  with skippy ball size, i mean a bowl with the diameter size of the length of your arm. It seriously, seriously, knocks you down.
                  Last edited by SEAL; 11-13-2007, 11:33 AM.


                  • #24
                    I like how there are children in your explanation.

                    I stay away from the heavy hitting bongs. I prefer to just chill with a powerful joint to blast my mind away piece by piece.

                    Since it's almost impossible to get good grass in Norway, I've never been high. All the grass has made me stoned, with no noticable difference from the normal hash.
                    Last edited by Noah; 11-13-2007, 11:39 AM.
                    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                    • #25
                      I live in Amsterdam and it's great. You can find coffeeshops in whole Amsterdam, not just in some particular area. Some areas (southeast / west) are a bit 'unsafe', but I doubt you will be there. The redlight district and the centre are 'unsafe' in the way you should watch your pockets, esspecially as a tourist. Other than that the centre of Amsterdam is a good place to walk around.

                      Places to go out:

                      - Monday: Meander (student cafe, loads of girls and cheap bear (crowded on monday), Handboogsteeg or Voetboogsteeg, near Spui; you can walk to there from central station)
                      - Thursday: Paradiso (near Leidseplein), Escape (Rembrandtsplein);
                      - Friday: Panama (behind Central Station (a lil to the east, take a cab from central station) or Hotel Arena (thats near Oosterpark; tram 9 or 7, ask the conductor for the exact stop);
                      - Saturday: depends... you can find an event guide on

                      Places to see:

                      - Heineken Brouwerij / Albert Cuyp market (near Weteringcircuit; I think tram line 16, 24 or 25 go there, ask the conductor);
                      - Vondelpark (in the centre, near Leidseplein; tram 1, 2 and 5) if it's good weather;
                      - A few musea (go to the Museumplein; don't know what tram);
                      - Pathe Tushinski (movietheatre, looks like a museum, go watch a movie there or just look around inside; between Rembrandtsplein and muntplein; cross the road at the END of the Kalverstraat, straight forward);
                      - AJAX stadium (metro 54 from Central Station, take the Bijlmer Station stop);
                      - Amsterdam East has some fun streets and there are some good places to eat across the street of Oosterpark (northside); Artis Zoo is near that; (take tram 9 ask conductor for stop).

                      I can't think of anything else at this moment, maybe I will add some things to the list. Perhaps you have specific questions.

                      Have a good stay in Amsterdam.

                      Edit: stay away from mushrooms.
                      Winner TWL-B Season 10 dicE / TWL-D Runners up
                      Winner TWL-D Season 8 -Final-
                      Winner TWT Season (?) Melee
                      Winner TWDL Season 2 Scrotal's Horde!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SEAL View Post
                        mental-instable-jacket (how do ya call those? you cant move your arms in them).
                        We call 'em "strait jackets" (sometimes you'll see it hyphenated or just one word altogether).

                        Craziness about what happened.
                        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                        • #27
                          i heard that its like 200 bucks more to be a judge for canabis cup or something like that
                          All good things must come to an end.


                          • #28
                            From what I know, you get to judge either way.

                            The difference is who is official judges and some stuff like that, I'm not sure.

                            Either way, you'll be in for more THC than you can manige. :wub:
                            Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                            5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Noah View Post
                              From what I know, you get to judge either way.

                              The difference is who is official judges and some stuff like that, I'm not sure.

                              Either way, you'll be in for more THC than you can manige. :wub:
                              well i had a friend who went already, and said that him being a judge was worth it, cause he got the best weed fast, and considering a lot of people will be there, I'm sure there won't be any good weed left once it starts, so goodluck fighting for that shit.

                              on other note, I tripped notes on shrooms a couple of days ago for the first time, it was pretty tight (I recommend those who never done it, to do it with a friend who has, it makes it more pleasant having a guide telling you shit you might not be sure about.)
                              All good things must come to an end.


                              • #30
                                Stay away!!!

                                Best advise so far in this thread.

