This is developing to become one of my favorite RPG's on the PS2. Its in the Shin Megami Tensei series, and the game revolves around Japanese high school students, where on their spare time at midnight, they fight shadow fiends by enabling their inner spirit known as "Persona" by shooting themselves in the head (yes that is right). The social links that you develop during the day at school, answering questions right during class, helping friends out, all increase stats that will benefit your Persona because it relies on these strong social links. I'm only about 3 hours into the game, but the game has so much depth that you never get bored. It feels like there is no grind (yet), and the story is actually interesting.
If you're a hardcore RPG fan, or you want to try something different other than GH3, you should check out this game. It has english dubs, but the voice acting isn't bad at all, so it doesn't account as a negative here. However, I must warn that it does have anime'ish cut scenes, and if you get gag reflexes on that kind of stuff, well maybe this isn't the game for you. But I can already tell you that you're missing out on a extremely fleshed out RPG experience.

If you're a hardcore RPG fan, or you want to try something different other than GH3, you should check out this game. It has english dubs, but the voice acting isn't bad at all, so it doesn't account as a negative here. However, I must warn that it does have anime'ish cut scenes, and if you get gag reflexes on that kind of stuff, well maybe this isn't the game for you. But I can already tell you that you're missing out on a extremely fleshed out RPG experience.
