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War or deadly disease, which terrifies you more

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  • #31
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Wicked.

    Originally posted by CrvenBan
    I don't know if I should cuss you out or pity you for this statement, but I am leaning towards the pity only beacuse the lack of the reality here. It's not your fault that your sense of reality is false one.
    Hiroshima was a huge explosion. You think those numbers of dead human beings are just numbers on paper ?
    No war can be won by just bombardments (if it's a real war with intention to occupy a teritory), and you can ask all those people that have been in Vietnam what it was like (seeing how there was a big amount of 'huge exlposions' there too). Eventually ground forces will get into urban style battles, and once that happens all humanity is gone. No matter how modern weaponry one possess, once you feel the fear in your bones, your mental level drops to that of 'fight with knife'.
    And before you make another statment about what war is like, go find some stories about what it really is like, read about women that have been held in captivity and raped every day in a period of _years_, read about sons having to kill their own fathers or about tortured people, and then come speak about huge explosions again.

    "They say the war brings out the best and the worst in us. What is the best ?"
    First, Japanese surroundered in WWII exactly because of those 'big explosions' (aka nuclear bombs) - go and read some historical materials.
    Second, the war in Vietnam is nothing compare to a world war ... mentality is VERY different. World wars are like death battles, winning would be critical to the survival of either countries, both sides would use anything to win (including nuclear weapons). While as losing the war in Vietnam does NOT impose any immediate threat to US people or their government. In peace time, no one would dare to use nuclear weapons against other countries simply because there would be tremendous pressure from other nations who are neither your 'best friends' nor your 'worst enemies'. But in the WWs, you have only 1) your allies 2) you enemies 3) countries thats too scared to give a shit. You allies wont oppose your action, and you wont give a damn about the opinion from the rest of the world.
    Therefore in the next world war, the use of nuclear weapons would be inevitable. (Although I would suspect people would be more careful about going into it precisely because they know it!)
    Bear in mind, the world wars are actually the power struggles between two sets of super powers, both side will be possessing large amount of nuclear war heads.
    And you think when I talked out 'nuclear explosions' I was talking about painless deaths? NO! only 10% of the people get burned to death instantly, while the rest 90% will die from radiation related illnesses, e.g. Leukemia

    The bottom line is, I do not know what next world war would be like, neither do you. So I suggest we drop this matter.
    BTW, I wasn't serious about it in the first place ... I have never been to a war and I hope I will never have to be in one.
    Last edited by TelC@t; 03-19-2003, 10:41 AM.
    Wont die, no surrender 2


    • #32
      Re: Re: Wicked.

      Originally posted by CrvenBan
      I wasn't talking about volounteering into the war (which is bad in itself), but generally living through one...just like I did when I was 15-16yrs old.
      It changes you pretty much; having to fall asleep wondering if you'll wake up in the morning; seeing a guy next to you with broken jaw and few broken ribs because of his name and nationality; having to swim across the river in january because 3 guys are chasing you with knives to cut your throath; listening to your friend crying cuz she almost got raped by a soldier day before; having to see your neighbour find his parents dead with their heads cut off and put into the toilet seat; walking with your buddy on street and then seeing him fall down all bloody cuz a strayed bullet hit him in the sholder, carrying him to the hospital as he's crying for his mom; having a drunk soldier come up behind you, putting a gun on your head, saying: I don't think you should live anymore and then pulling a trigger (empty gun, as it was a "joke") - after which you could see yourself trying to break an iron pipe off his back, and asking him do you think you should walk again? I made that man cry and beg for his life (he was in his 40s). I left all my fears and tears on the concrete of that town in 1992, 16yrs old....and I was the fucking lucky one, nothing happened to me actually.
      Now, imagine yourself fighting in the streets, ducking for bullets, having your friends die on your arms, seeing legs and arms and heads blown you think that scene from Full metal jacket (sniper fire) was made up from his imagination ? No, my friend, that scene was lived through first.

      War is not some fucking video-game thing where you shoot imaginary ppl from distance, it's real, mostly innocent ppl that are dying, and you pray to your god that you never have to feel a gun pointing at your head, you little cocksucker.
      You dumbass. I never said war was good or said war was not nerve wrecking. Don't twist my words.

      Trench Wars Player
      STFU GG -NT-.


      • #33

        Originally posted by TelC@t
        Personally I prefer colder places ... I have heard that many dieases are transmitted by mosquitoes ... so you probablly don't want to risk it in the woods

        I wasn't thinking of using moss as a sleeping bag my dear child.... but think of a cozy log cabin covered by a huge airtight *diamond* dome that could slide open like the skydome! Or maybe a pyramid would make more sense........ I won't go into details. Whatever the case, I'm quite sure that I wouldn't be leaving the cabin.
        Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


        • #34
          lalala ... o, n btw

          I was thinking of something yesterday and it actually reminded me of this thread. We were discussing extreme wedding locations.... skydiving, scubadiving, in space, in zero gravity :P etc..... Then I thought of having the altar as one of those tropical pool bars. You know, you'd have to swim to the altar and because it would be your wedding you could get a really nice custom made bikini with little wings on the straps and stuff. Hehe k Im done.. :rollseyes:
          Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Heatha
            When will I get laid?
            Originally posted by Goddess
            nuxy i prefer YOUNGER...

            Originally posted by Volcs
            what guy would wanna have sex with me?
            Originally posted by CrvenBan
            ... read about women that have been held in captivity and get laid every day in a period of _years_, ...
            I wonder ... nm

            (just joking )
            Wont die, no surrender 2


            • #36
              Telcat, you fucking, stupid, little, no brain, piece of walking sperm, don't ever joke about things like these.
              The reason I stopped answering to this thread is because none of you will ever have ANY sort of feeling what it's like untill you have to dig out a bullet out of your spleen.

              When it comes to women like those, that you're joking about, there was one on trial in Haag, she was held in captivity for over a full year, raped every day by several soldiers, and they had removed her eyes so she wouldn't see/do anything. When asked on trial, how she knew he was one of those that raped her, she said that she had his/theirs voice/s and breathing carved in her brain, and that she would never forget any of them, and she continued on pointing out several other of those soldiers.

              Now, I know it's kinda hard to ask of people not to be stupid, so instead, I ask you to have decency to show respect for those dead and suffering from wars.
              If you can't, then fuck you.
              Originally posted by Disliked
              However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

              Originally posted by concealed
              when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


              • #37
                This is more of the question: "Are you scared of dieing?"

                Either way, war or disease, they both suck. They both kill.
                TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
                TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
                TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

                1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)


                • #38
                  For me, as of RIGHT NOW, it'd be the disease. For a reason that near the area where I live, there are is a new disease(s) floating around. I've heard of a few cases, and something in a McDonald's that's right across from my school (rumour, highly doubtufl as the source is unreliable )

                  The A-Typical Pneumonia and that SARS thing freaks me out. More info on SARS:


                  If you've ever seen the movie Outbreak, about that foreign monkey who carries a disease and spreads it to a small town, and that small town was nearly bombed so it wouldn't spread. FREAKY!
                  Anyways, disease is freaky cause you never know who has it and there is a very real chance that you could be standing to a person that has some highly contageous disease and it's freaking me out!

                  MODERATOR WARNING: You have been violating female players with sexual slurs! This is against TW rules, Refrain or you will be silenced -Tigerex

                  MODERATOR WARNING: Do Not Spam -Dimboy <ER>


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by CrvenBan
                    Telcat, you fucking, stupid, little, no brain, piece of walking sperm, don't ever joke about things like these.
                    The reason I stopped answering to this thread is because none of you will ever have ANY sort of feeling what it's like untill you have to dig out a bullet out of your spleen.
                    Now, I know it's kinda hard to ask of people not to be stupid, so instead, I ask you to have decency to show respect for those dead and suffering from wars.
                    If you can't, then fuck you.
                    You know the matter better than everyone else, don't you. NOBODY on this forum could possibly be as inform or dignified as you, can they? We are all trashes, and you CrvenBan, are the almighty god

                    You know what?? You are such self-righteous hyrpocrite. You speak as if you are a ladies man, yet from the things I heard from you (both in TW and on this forum), I know you do not care about any girl, what you really care is for them to do what you think it's right. You don't need a girl of any intelligance in your life, what you want is a manipulatable doll that you can fuck all night!
                    Get down from your high horse, you make me sick!

                    BTW, the fact you had a crappy day doesn't mean I have to put up with it. I tried to be nice, but obviously it is not working. I only act nice because I expect the other side do the same. But if they don't, they can go to hell!

                    You play with fire you get burnt, you piece of shit!
                    Wont die, no surrender 2


                    • #40
                      ouch ? lolz.

                      Originally posted by TelC@t
                      You know the matter better than everyone else, don't you. NOBODY on this forum could possibly be as inform or dignified as you, can they?
                      Since this is thread about war, and I've lived through one for more than a year, yes. Ask anyone that has lived through same thing and you'll get basically the same answer. Or, make a joke about WTC tragedy and see what kind of answers will you get. It's that simple.

                      We are all trashes, and you CrvenBan, are the almighty god
                      It's just you, and thank you for noticing.

                      You know what?? You are such self-righteous hyrpocrite. You speak as if you are a ladies man, yet from the things I heard from you (both in TW and on this forum), I know you do not care about any girl, what you really care is for them to do what you think it's right. You don't need a girl of any intelligance in your life
                      This just proves my point how women are irrational, cuz now, you're going off subject, and making this personal attack on poor little moi. C'mon baby, don't get so upset, you're much prettier when you're smiling. And I DO want a girl with intelligence, she's gotta make me food every day. Do you know how demanding chicken stew is ?

                      what you want is a manipulatable doll that you can fuck all night!
                      Under my bed, deflated, I accidentally burned a hole in a damn thing.

                      Get down from your high horse, you make me sick!
                      Let me take that saddle of your back first.

                      BTW, the fact you had a crappy day doesn't mean I have to put up with it. I tried to be nice, but obviously it is not working. I only act nice because I expect the other side do the same. But if they don't, they can go to hell!

                      Who had bad day ? You're wandering off again, what is your point ? I told you don't joke about serious matters which include people suffering, and I'm standing by that belif. And you're not generally nice, but only acting like it ? Talk about hypocrite.

                      You play with fire you get burnt, you piece of shit!
                      Oh nO! Is it, by any chance, molten laavaaaaa ? Hugz'n'kisses to ya, come to mr Crvn when you're feeling down, I'll make your day better in a sec.
                      Originally posted by Disliked
                      However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                      Originally posted by concealed
                      when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                      • #41
                        Re: ouch ? lolz.

                        Originally posted by CrvenBan
                        Since this is thread about war, and I've lived through one for more than a year, yes.
                        I thought you joked about living thru the war because I wasn't aware of any war that lasted for a year in the range where I remembered you said you lived during 1993 :/
                        Wont die, no surrender 2


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by TelC@t
                          You know what?? You are such self-righteous hyrpocrite. You speak as if you are a ladies man, yet from the things I heard from you (both in TW and on this forum), I know you do not care about any girl, what you really care is for them to do what you think it's right. You don't need a girl of any intelligance in your life, what you want is a manipulatable doll that you can fuck all night!
                          Get down from your high horse, you make me sick!
                          This makes absolutely no sense coming from a dumb slut that posted pictures of her tits on the internet to get attention. TelCat, please think before you speak. Sorry if your tits are no longer getting you attention from Machine of God, but you don't need to post nonsensical jabs at people that have lived through wars.
                          Last edited by Facetious; 03-28-2003, 03:36 PM.
                          5:gen> man
                          5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                          • #43
                            Re: Re: ouch ? lolz.

                            Originally posted by TelC@t
                            I thought you joked about living thru the war because I wasn't aware of any war that lasted for a year in the range where I remembered you said you lived during 1993 :/

                            Why the fuck would I joke about serious stuff like that ? What'd you think; that I made up all those examples in my previous posts ? Those were thing that happened to me.

                            And you're right about war not lasting 1 year, it lasted 3+ years. From begining of ´92 to december of ´95. I came to Sweden in the summer of ´93 after spending slightly over 1 year in that war. Since I lived in town of Banja Luka (northern part of Bosnia), which was controlled by serbian forces and JNA (army), we didn't get any open fights but it was mainly ethnic cleasing and psychological terror. In march of ´93 my dad got fed up with situation and was about to go to Sarajevo to fight on Bosnian side, and I was to follow with him (15yrs old since my bday is in may). My mum talked him out of it, and we fled the country on last bus that left (after that no more people were allowed to leave the city/country), in june of 1993.

                            You need more details ?

                            And listen to Face, he's right.
                            Last edited by CrvenBan; 03-28-2003, 06:11 PM.
                            Originally posted by Disliked
                            However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                            Originally posted by concealed
                            when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                            • #44
                              well i hope they both send lots of missiles at the same time and we get rid of america and iraq ... gg

