so i was thinking about getting my girlfriend an okay karaoke machine, i say okay cause i'm poor but i'm willing to spend a decent amount to ensure that i get something worthwhile. her old one broke a while ago and she really misses it so i'm looking to get one within the next month.
if anyone has any ideas i would appreciate it because i don't know jack shit about karaoke machines and i can't ask her cause i don't want to give it away.
p.s. she has cds for her old karaoke machine, will they work with any machine or what's the deal with that?
thanks guys/pandagirl.
if anyone has any ideas i would appreciate it because i don't know jack shit about karaoke machines and i can't ask her cause i don't want to give it away.
p.s. she has cds for her old karaoke machine, will they work with any machine or what's the deal with that?
thanks guys/pandagirl.