Originally posted by Eric is God
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Originally posted by Eric is God
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Not to mention that you say that Apple doesn't make it's money off the plans. They may not have counted on it as bread & butter for the initial batch, but they definitely do have a revenue-sharing agreement with AT&T--how much it's worth is up for debate, but some conservative estimates have put the figure at $18/iPhone/month.* That's some cash. To say that things are still set in a "make money off the device" (versus a "make money off the services sold to the device") is yesterday's thinking.
PS, could you tell your company that they seriously need to hire a designer or twelve? Their devices are god-awful when it comes to elegance, and have been for quite some time.
*EDIT: Quick math: Apple says it's sold 6 million iPhones since last July. Let's be extremely conservative (RIDICULOUSLY conservative) and say that half of those were unlocked and used somewhere other than AT&T. That's 3 million phones. $18 x 3,000,000 x 12 months = $648,000,000/year. That's hardly chump change.