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This is only a test, check...check check..

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  • This is only a test, check...check check..

    aaahh, is it working? I've never come here even though I know this site exists.

    Hello, i'm Holy Muty. Some know I'm wb user and not so bad at that.

    Well, if you wanna talk personally, email me.

  • #2
    thats what the testing thread is for, but i guess this could stay in general discussion cuz he put some sort of statement in there. i dunno, but heya anyways


    • #3
      you might want to "check check" your custom user text for accurateness. :P personal does the context have to be in order to email you
      hey I'm Paddy Tanniger the caddie manager yeah it rhymes big whoop wanna fiight about it??


      • #4
        thx, buddies

        sure no more test messages here,

        The context could be anything but threat.

        Oh by the way, who's good wb here based on your exp.?


        • #5
          I am Trench Wars Holy Defending Hyper Champion of the warbird. And I totally double dare you to totally challenge me. I am the bestest.
          Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


          • #6
            oh yeah? who else is good

            Tell me bunch of wb users who are cool.

            By the way, I don't mean I'm invincible with wb, and I would be killed a lot as well by those cool guys.

            I frankly think good wbs are really coolest of coolest. Don't wanna antagonize, but rather friends.

            I don't know who's reading this and it might be bad to mention about their names, but those are guys i guess nice wbs:

            Haruka, kinugasa, jordana brewster, walleed, muty series (some are fake) oh beef lo mein.

            get them first before me


            • #7
              Never heard of any one of those but beef lo mein, and as far as I know, he probably can't find the key for shootng wb bullets cus all he does is shooting those evil L3 bombs from his LT.

              PS. A good wb is not cool
              5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
              5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
              5: Da1andonly> =((
              5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
              5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
              5: Epinephrine> oh shit


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jeansi
                Never heard of any one of those but beef lo mein, and as far as I know, he probably can't find the key for shootng wb bullets cus all he does is shooting those evil L3 bombs from his LT.

                PS. A good wb is not cool
                I admit that I LT it up every once in awhile, but I am usually the terr not the levi. If you haven't seen me dog people in my wb then you haven't been around the trench very long. I don't even like to duel in wb and I can still hang with some of the better wbs. The thing about me is that I hop between ships constantly, choosing the best ship for the situation. Every once in awhile the base needs a good pounding from a LT to open it up and give the losing freq a chance.
                Choose the Best or Die Like the Rest!


                • #9
                  Holymuty, the warbirds you named are mostly hanging around in pubs, if you want to see really good warbird pilots you have to go elsewhere though. I.e ?go elim or any twdd arena.


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Beef Lo Mein
                    I don't even like to duel in wb and I can still hang with some of the better wbs. The thing about me is that I hop between ships constantly, choosing the best ship for the situation.

                    Yeah i guess you are that kinda type wb. You changed arena when someone shot you down in row. But giving up is sometimes necessary while some get too excited and become chansing and suicide game.

                    To the guy who said wb is not cool, I meant when they made ns with real aim.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Malladrin
                      Holymuty, the warbirds you named are mostly hanging around in pubs, if you want to see really good warbird pilots you have to go elsewhere though. I.e ?go elim or any twdd arena.

                      I've been playing this game for quite long, actually. Of course I know Elim is cool place and I sometimes go there and sometimes win. But wbs in elim are too much and since there is no variety, tactics would be very limited. Well, that's still fun though. I usually become one of last 2 or 3 wbs, and this is the most fun part but at the same time most tiring part. So I come there when I'm really energetic with clear mind. Do you agree.


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE]Originally posted by Jeansi
                        [B]Never heard of any one of those but beef lo mein, and as far as I know, he probably can't find the key for shootng wb bullets cus all he does is shooting those evil L3 bombs from his LT.

                        Be careful, personally, I think haruka beautifully use wb with killer shots. I hope that's girl.

                        hehehe, I'm wb freak.
                        Last edited by Holymuty; 04-08-2003, 11:11 PM.

