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jerome scuggs weekly 3:03 am "wtf" lsd thread

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  • jerome scuggs weekly 3:03 am "wtf" lsd thread

    The US has agreed to scrap immunity for foreign security guards in Iraq, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari says.

    The US embassy in Baghdad has not confirmed the announcement, which comes as the US and Iraq are negotiating a controversial security pact.

    Foreign firms employing thousands of guards won huge contracts in Iraq after the 2003 US-led invasion, but were not subject to Iraqi or US military law.
    Not even Blackwater is "immune" (from what? government?) - but the telecom industry is! "Immunity" is going to be a buzzword the US can now grant and take away as it sees fit - can anyone not on drugs please make this make sense?

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous

  • #2

    from 2001

    ''If bin Laden takes over and becomes king of Saudi Arabia, he'd turn off the tap,'' said Roger Diwan, a managing director of the Petroleum Finance Company, a consulting firm in Washington. ''He said at one point that he wants oil to be $144 a barrel'' -- about six times what it sells for now.

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #3
      because supply and demand has NOTHING to do with oil prices being the way they are..its all bin laden! and the govt!!!!
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • #4
        I think Jerome's point is that it's comments like the one by that oil guy which helped prompt Iraq and the taking away of so many civil liberties (in the name of fighting terror) in the first place, and really it's ironic because oil is $144 anyway.
        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • #5
          I work with a guy who does stuff related to oil all day every day and he says most of what we're paying is speculation. Then he mutters something under his breath.


          • #6
            Even if we're paying out of the ass for those speculating on future supply I don't think it will go below 130$ ever again. They would have to justify trading at 140-144$ somehow.

            Edit: Interesting bit about the Subprime Crisis;
            "Matthew Tannin and Ralph R. Cioffi, both former managers of hedge funds at Bear Stearns Companies, were arrested June 19, 2008. They are facing criminal charges and are suspected of misleading investors about the risks involved in the subprime market."
            Last edited by Kolar; 07-03-2008, 03:00 PM.


            • #7
              here's a wtf for you:
              USA WORLD CHAMPS


              • #8
                Originally posted by D1st0rt View Post
                SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

                Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


                • #9
                  That's fucked up. Up here they're trying to push through a Canadian DMCA bill. 500-20,000$ for removing digital locks on content and other infringements. As always they claim it will only target for profit operations and not individuals but I have a feeling once the doors open a lot of people will be targeted for downloading nothing more then a TV show. It limits the ability to do time shifting and PVR records must self-destruct within a few days. Almost all Canadian ISPs implement network throttling to curb such habbits under the guise of network congestion.

                  "Although Google argued that turning over the data would invade its users' privacy, the judge's ruling (.pdf) described that argument as "speculative" and ordered Google to turn over the logs on a set of four tera-byte hard drives."


                  "Viacom also requested YouTube's source code, the code for identifying repeat copyright infringement uploads, copies of all videos marked private, and Google's advertising database schema."

                  Now that's fucking insane.

                  Btw, I didn't post that hoping to cause another public-private debate thread. I thought it was important to current economic difficulties since the subprime crisis pushed everything over the edge.


                  • #10
                    Apparently the judge who made that ruling is 81. Why do we let people decide on things they don't understand?
                    USA WORLD CHAMPS


                    • #11
                      do you honestly do lsd once a week?
                      Originally posted by turmio
                      jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                      Originally posted by grand
                      I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by D1st0rt View Post
                        I work with a guy who does stuff related to oil all day every day and he says most of what we're paying is speculation. Then he mutters something under his breath.
                        yeah, same with one of my friends. He is Arab and his family is faring pretty well by the insane increase of oil prices. It's one of the smartest moves of the 'rich'. Next scientists will claim that we are running out of oxygen and you have to pay extra to breathe.
                        You ate some priest porridge


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by D1st0rt View Post
                          Google's already working on an appeal.

                          I don't understand how you enforce this. What if somebody unknowingly clicked on a bit of copywritten information and then closed it immediately? Wont they be just as guilty as say...Me (INTERNATS PIRATE EXTRAORDINARE!)?
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                          • #14
                            I saw somebody on the internet suggested that Google print it all out and physically hand it to them
                            USA WORLD CHAMPS


                            • #15
                              and now that i've found cheap hashj
                              i will never never go back.
                              Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                              sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.

