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Auto Bailout DE-NIED

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Displaced View Post

    edit: This isn't completely relevant today, but ill just put it out there.
    US cars in the past, i.e. up to the late 80s atleast, didn't even have "proper" spare parts.
    A friend of ours had a 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass, which he was restoring, he was able to source some original doors and a hood from the US, (for a 1984 Cutlass mind) and lo and behold, they weren't even close to fitting).
    In comparison, buy a spare door for a 1984 Corolla, and it will fit every time.
    1980's Old's are terrible, who rerstores a mid-80's Old's? It's like restoring a Chrysler K car...would have been better off to restore a 1970 Old's 440....That's a shame though, as Old's parts are plentiful all over the place....sounds like he was not looking in the best spots. I can claim the same for a 2001 VW Cabrio, as we needed a new drivers side door...finally I went to a junk yard to get one, as the dealer couldn't get one factory replacement door from VW direct to work properly fitting w/o gaps and electronic wise with the power windows and mirrors operational. It's a two way street it would seem.

    Not sure who mentioned the Ford F-150, but this is a work truck and not an SUV...need to get the category of the vehicle correct. We have two F-150's we use at work with both having over 100,000 miles on them and never a prob with regular servicing. Sounds like that exported F-150 was a lemmon...probably made on a Mon. or Fri. Ford's ecoline vans are also workhorses too..never had a prob...however we had a Volvo box truck at work for maybe a year...what a piece of crap that was.

    Audi's...hmm...nice car if your under 5'-8" least with the TT of which has fallen to the side in consumer interest. I remember the Audi's of the early-mid 70's of which they would just engage in drive from park with the automatics they made...that and the engines always catching on fire. That was when Porsche dumped them as a move. Audi's also made the 1.8L engines for themselves as well as for VW for the 2002-03 engines in the Jetta's and Beetles...these engines always had probs as soon as the weather got cold and below 30F (-1C), as the coil packs failed. Try strating your car with that prob...won;t work and then it took a class action legal matter to get them to admit and make a replacement coil that prior to the legal matter they just repolaced them with known faulty parts.. these turbo engines also had been known to accumulate oil sludge that f'd up the engine. That was a nightmare for VW using the Audi made engines. Don't get me wrong, as the new A4 and A6 are really nice, but Audi has had decades of nightmares in what they put on the market.

    Plain and simple...I think all car manufacturers make crap at times and the all will have some up's and downs.

    The Porsche SUV is riduclous, as you can't even tow anything with it....the guys I know in the local Porsche club had been excited about these when they 1st came out, so they could possibly tow their 914's and 356's to rallys and shows...ends up they killed the transmissions on the SUV in doing so. It was a rich mans SUV for just driving and nothing else IMHO...these guys dumped the Cayennes for Ford F-250's and GMC Tahoe's. I am no fan of American cars, but for the use of what was needed, I totally understand why they did this.

    The South Korea factor is ridiculous in what they allow imported, with heavy import tarrifs and limits on the number of cars they allow. The problem I see with that is that the States should impose the same outrageous tarrifs on the Korean cars imported in the States....why this is not done is somewhat odd. As I mentioned previosuly, China is working with GM in having their cars made in Mexico to avoid the heavy import tarrifs and slide under the fence with the NAFTA agreement.

    As for unions...unions can be broken regardles of what industry. If the UAW was good for the US automakers employee's why didn't they do anything to stop the plant closings for the past decades that moved to Mexico and elsewhere? What happened to the UAW when NAFTA was signed? For such a strong and big union, they vanished in the representation of their employee's, companies and closed plants. The UAW to me is a sham, but the workers represented by them are just as much idiots not looking to the future but more about what they feel is owed to them. Why prevent the headache when you know you can...lets just wait for it and someone will hand us a few asperin?
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Izor View Post
      Everyone i know would rather buy a truck/SUV from a US automaker, because its general consensus that the trucks/SUVs are very well built compared to foreign companies (mostly due to the fact that they dont have any demand for them in those countries). However, its also the general consensus of people that ive come across that you can beat down a foreign car and it will keep on ticking and theyre much more reliable. Thats just how it is. Unfortunately the market in america for bigger vehicles is declining rapidly and people really are going with those foreign cars based off those beliefs
      North American Automaker, but I pretty much agree with you.

      404: So it's not that they don't allow foreign cars in their country, they just tax the crap out of them? Yeah, that shit shouldn't fly.
      it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


      • #78
        Originally posted by Displaced View Post
        This makes no sense to me, how can the US made trucks/SUV's be very well built compared to their foreign counterparts, but the foreign counterparts will keep on going forever.
        To me quality is all about reliability. (percieved quality aside)
        Name one good foreign truck, thanks. The Tundra? Titan? Still would buy an F150. Would buy a Yukon or Explorer over their counterparts too. Hell, after seeing the Flex with panoramic roof if I had 6 kids or wanted an ugly ass car Id rather get one of those than a Scion

        But...who would buy a fusion over a camry? Even when I just bought my new Focus the other day they had an ad up and the salesman tried telling my boss that car and driver rated the fusion way better than the camry. Nobody really believes that I dont think.

        And as for the difference between ford europe and ford us? One difference that comes to mind to me would be the fact that while the US discontinued the focus SVT for no reason, the focus RS still is around in Europe. Europeans actually need the performance though...its not like the US where it doesnt matter how fast your car is cause you can go a max of 75 at any given time following the law.
        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


        • #79
          Originally posted by HateTheFake View Post
          Unions were great in the 1800s but unions as of now dont do shit for me. I work 100 hours a week, I dont have holidays off. Im fine with it, because its a job that i knew what i was getting into. Unions would rather have it so they make as much money as the corporation on every where. The unions are the reason for the clapse of gm. Noone can deny that.
          ERRRRRR wrong =/ The whole reason were in such shit, is the FREE TRADE AGREEMENT nothing to do with the union. And you could also blame the 3.50 dollar amount in gas that hurt everyone across the united states. which diesal is still high. America can not compete with another country that pays there workers 10cents an hour to make the same thing. Down with the free trade!!!! They talk about a level playing field, can we get there? i dont see how with all the coruption around the world. (if you want this to work make everyone around the world would have to pay there workers at least minimum wage)

          The Unions have been good for a couple of things, when the unions got a raise , so did that little person working at mcdonalds, or the builder that was building his house because he could charge more. How much money does a corporation need to make? look at what gm made in 2006 it was in the billions ? where did it all go? in the executives pockets.. not the little guy. so how much do they need to make? Im all for if your company makes alot of money , give the little part of it back. bonuses would be nice, but not for just the executives.

          As for foreign cars , if you like them so much move to europe or whereever they come from. And i dont want to hear there made here, yeah they might be made here, but there profits are all going back to somewhere else. GTFO.
          Wait this kinda goes back to the unions. Why dont they have unions? simple answer they want to charge and make as much money as they can. If your making 18$ working there instead of 24$ dollars in a union. oh thats 6$ more that goes to someother guy overseas. BUY AMERICAN. And second of all foreign cars are small. I Love sitting up in the air seeing above you!.

          ps Dont call me when you need help moving to your new apartment.
          Have fun making 20 trips in your little honda civic.
          Last edited by Witness; 12-28-2008, 04:36 PM.


          • #80
            Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
            1980's Old's are terrible, who rerstores a mid-80's Old's? It's like restoring a Chrysler K car...would have been better off to restore a 1970 Old's 440....That's a shame though, as Old's parts are plentiful all over the place....sounds like he was not looking in the best spots.
            IIRC it had some kind of sentimental value, it ended up burning in a shed, so wasted project, but nvm.
            As for the door, IIRC it was sourced from YearOne, who as far as I understand is widely recognized stateside.

            I can claim the same for a 2001 VW Cabrio, as we needed a new drivers side door...finally I went to a junk yard to get one, as the dealer couldn't get one factory replacement door from VW direct to work properly fitting w/o gaps and electronic wise with the power windows and mirrors operational. It's a two way street it would seem.
            Granted, every car maker has its "lemons", but I'd be willing to call some hefty bullshit on that 2001 VW, I used to own a 2002 V5 Golf, I've had no problems with any spares, from any Year Model, be it bootlids from a 2000 or doorcards from a 2001, if a dealer is unable to get the power windows and mirrors working (which are plug and play) I can't imagine them being very good.

            Not sure who mentioned the Ford F-150, but this is a work truck and not an SUV...need to get the category of the vehicle correct. We have two F-150's we use at work with both having over 100,000 miles on them and never a prob with regular servicing. Sounds like that exported F-150 was a lemmon...probably made on a Mon. or Fri. Ford's ecoline vans are also workhorses too..never had a prob...however we had a Volvo box truck at work for maybe a year...what a piece of crap that was.
            I mentioned the F-150, and the context was "truck/SUV", It may well have been a lemon, I wish I had more experiences with them, but I will say that I've (personally) never had a good experience with ANY american car.

            Audi's...hmm...nice car if your under 5'-8" least with the TT of which has fallen to the side in consumer interest.
            Audi does have other models :turned:

            I remember the Audi's of the early-mid 70's of which they would just engage in drive from park with the automatics they made...that and the engines always catching on fire.
            Common fault of pretty much any automatic car in the 70s?

            Audi's also made the 1.8L engines for themselves as well as for VW for the 2002-03 engines in the Jetta's and Beetles...these engines always had probs as soon as the weather got cold and below 30F (-1C), as the coil packs failed.
            Well it wasn't strictly speaking an Audi unit, it was a "VAG" unit, Audi had slightly different internals + turbo + SIMC + etc etc compared to the VW unit and the Skoda unit and the Seat unit.
            Also, the coil pack failure, wasn't limited to the 1.8T engine, it was on pretty much all of the VAG group engines of the time, from the 1.6l to the 3.2l.
            It wasn't actually VAG groups fault, since bosch had supplied a run of offspec coilpacks.
            p.s. mine never failed, even in -20C weather.

            Plain and simple...I think all car manufacturers make crap at times and the all will have some up's and downs.
            I agree that all car manufacturers have had steaming piles of shit, but I can't seriously name one decent car to come out of the US since the late 70s.

            The Porsche SUV is riduclous, as you can't even tow anything with it....the guys I know in the local Porsche club had been excited about these when they 1st came out, so they could possibly tow their 914's and 356's to rallys and shows...ends up they killed the transmissions on the SUV in doing so. It was a rich mans SUV for just driving and nothing else IMHO...these guys dumped the Cayennes for Ford F-250's and GMC Tahoe's. I am no fan of American cars, but for the use of what was needed, I totally understand why they did this.
            Misnomer much? you can tow over 3 tonnes with a Cayenne, a Tahoe 4x4 is rated at just under 3 tonnes.... If they manage to break the gearbox, they are probably mistreating their car :P

            Originally posted by Izor
            Name one good foreign truck, thanks. The Tundra? Titan? Still would buy an F150. Would buy a Yukon or Explorer over their counterparts too. Hell, after seeing the Flex with panoramic roof if I had 6 kids or wanted an ugly ass car Id rather get one of those than a Scion
            I wouldn't know what the Tundra or Titan are like, because they are only for the USDM, same goes for the Scion, we don't get that over here.
            That said, the Toyota Hilux is a damn solid workhorse, as is a Nissan Navara.

            And as for the difference between ford europe and ford us? One difference that comes to mind to me would be the fact that while the US discontinued the focus SVT for no reason, the focus RS still is around in Europe. Europeans actually need the performance though...its not like the US where it doesnt matter how fast your car is cause you can go a max of 75 at any given time following the law.
            The focus RS was discontinued in Europe in 2003, the new RS is going to be released soon.
            And basically all the highways in Europe (bar a few unrestricted areas of the Autobahn) are limited to a lawful max of 120km/h or 75mph

            wow that was a lot of stuff
            Displaced> I get pussy every day
            Displaced> I'm rich
            Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
            Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
            Thors> prolly
            Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

            best comeback ever


            • #81
              Before I say this, I'd like to admit that I am a giant hypocrite....

              I'm all about buying domestic (US) made vehicles, for the way I see it, every foreign car purchased by an American puts another American out of work. Here's where the hypocritical part comes in....I spent some time selling Toyotas in 2007 and I will share my valuable insiders opinion to any of you looking to buy. I always recommend domestic (unless you are my customer) and always recommend considering "cost of ownership" and not just the "price now". How long do you plan to own the car, how much work do you anticipate having to put into the vehicle in that time frame, how is it with fuel economy, property taxes, etc.

              Point of all that was that all the US based auto makers don't really have any good answers to ALL of the criteria. They could have a vehicle get 35 MPG (like a Focus) but rarely last past 100k before its dead forever, or have another vehicle that's really put together well, but gets 12 MPG, bad in the snow, whatever. (Like my charger)

              Fuck it, I'm rambling and lost my train of thought, everybody should just own a BMW 5 series.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                IIRC it had some kind of sentimental value, it ended up burning in a shed, so wasted project, but nvm.
                As for the door, IIRC it was sourced from YearOne, who as far as I understand is widely recognized stateside.
                Never heard or would purchase a product from them. Have restored several classic cars and they are not in the top 10 of restoration parts people that I have known in the past 30+ yrs.

                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                Granted, every car maker has its "lemons", but I'd be willing to call some hefty bullshit on that 2001 VW, I used to own a 2002 V5 Golf, I've had no problems with any spares, from any Year Model, be it bootlids from a 2000 or doorcards from a 2001, if a dealer is unable to get the power windows and mirrors working (which are plug and play) I can't imagine them being very good.
                Not that the electronics didn't work properly, but the gaps had been terrible. Was unacceptable to me and my insurance company. Reputable Car dealer too...Holberts Porsche Volkswagen. They run in the LeManns and Daytona all the time since the late 60's.

                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                Audi does have other models :turned:
                I do believe I mentioned other models..not like they are a Fiat (Fix It Again Tony)

                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                Common fault of pretty much any automatic car in the 70s?
       was a common fault for European cars...not American.

                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                I agree that all car manufacturers have had steaming piles of shit, but I can't seriously name one decent car to come out of the US since the late 70s.
                Chevy Corvette & Dodge Viper..but now we are talking high performance cars

                Originally posted by Displaced View Post
                Misnomer much? you can tow over 3 tonnes with a Cayenne, a Tahoe 4x4 is rated at just under 3 tonnes.... If they manage to break the gearbox, they are probably mistreating their car :P
                When was a 914 or 356 a heavy car? These guys race semi-professionally and know there shit...I do not race...I just restore. Cayenne is an overpriced piece of the non environmentally friendly Tourag...worst emissions ratings of all SUV's.
                May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


                • #83
                  Really, youre saying that the fucking HILUX is a solid workhorse? I worked with these in the desert, and they are inferior to american trucks. Its equivalent to a lesser ranger id say...
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #84
                    I am seriously saying that.. we have HILUX's at work, they never break down and are under a lot of abuse.
                    Displaced> I get pussy every day
                    Displaced> I'm rich
                    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                    Thors> prolly
                    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                    best comeback ever


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Izor View Post
                      Really, youre saying that the fucking HILUX is a solid workhorse? I worked with these in the desert, and they are inferior to american trucks. Its equivalent to a lesser ranger id say...
                      put some new axles on an old hilux and it'll go beast mode until the apocalypse.

                      i hate driving fords... they seem to make the gas pedal really sticky, and the brakes really touchy.
                      NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                      internet de la jerome

                      because the internet | hazardous


                      • #86
                        One of the reasons the U.S Auto Industry is fucked is the outdated engineering and manufacturing techniques.
                        THe American car makers have always had a "flexible" quality control system. In the past this has been well disguised by the skill and knowledge of the factories. Due to the changes in employment trends, the incompetent QC systems are being exposed.


                        • #87
                          fuck you brah my chevy will last me until death, so like 2-3 more years and that's all i need
                          NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                          internet de la jerome

                          because the internet | hazardous


                          • #88
                            The Hilux:



                            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                            • #89
                              my first vehicle was almost a diesel hilux, but even with a toyota like that, it's risky as fuck buying a decades-old car
                              NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                              internet de la jerome

                              because the internet | hazardous


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                                my first vehicle was almost a diesel hilux, but even with a toyota like that, it's risky as fuck buying a decades-old car
                                I would agree with this. I must admit I am somewhat scared driving my `65 Land Rover around my area due to road is meant for off road not urban living. After driving so many years on disc brakes and then back to drums in my area...uhg! Safety concerns are tops on the list as are the problems finding original Lucas parts or aftermarket parts that are reputable, such as brake lines and other specific items if one can find them without having them re-tooled as custom.

                                I am selling the 1965 Series IIA 88 Rover if there is any interest? Perfect SUV to ride off road!
                                May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

