I noticed there's a gamertag topic, but not a topic specifically for the Arcade games that are out on the three systems. If you run across a really good arcade game, whether it's an oldie or a great new game- post about it in here. Basic layout-
Available on-
Two from me today, that I found on Xbox Live Arcade:
Lumines Live- The awesome game that started out on the PSP has a version available on Xbox live!
Cost-800 points
Description- Basically think of a techno version of tetris. It's sleek, relaxing and insanely addictive to play.
Available on-360
the other one is a new game, called-
Power Up Forever- Overhead spaceship shooter where your ship evolves as you play
Cost-800 points
Description- You start out as a small ship. You swim/fly around shooting parasites and other bugs, and the more parasites you kill the faster you piss off the "Guardians" (bosses). After you kill each Guardian, your ship evolves and you sometimes gain new powers. The levels also evolve and change color, along with the music.
Available on- 360, PS3
Available on-
Two from me today, that I found on Xbox Live Arcade:
Lumines Live- The awesome game that started out on the PSP has a version available on Xbox live!
Cost-800 points
Description- Basically think of a techno version of tetris. It's sleek, relaxing and insanely addictive to play.
Available on-360
the other one is a new game, called-
Power Up Forever- Overhead spaceship shooter where your ship evolves as you play
Cost-800 points
Description- You start out as a small ship. You swim/fly around shooting parasites and other bugs, and the more parasites you kill the faster you piss off the "Guardians" (bosses). After you kill each Guardian, your ship evolves and you sometimes gain new powers. The levels also evolve and change color, along with the music.
Available on- 360, PS3