Let's share our PC pranks and stories I don't share a computer, so I've never had the pleasure of using any of the pranks I've heard of.
The most famous one I know of is taking a screenshot of the desktop (with icons), delete all the icons, locking the toolbar, and then setting the background image as the screenshot.
Another cool one I recently read about:
Make a new text file in notepad. Paste:
do while i< 2
set wshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
beep = chr(007)
WshShell.Run "cmd /c @echo " & beep, 0
Wscript.sleep 9000
save as regop32.vbs (or any other srs sounding name) Make sure it is a .vbs and not a .txt, save as *.* all files.
Nowwwww... stick it in your windows folder.
To make it run when the machine is started up:
go to start>run.
Type gpedit.msc
Browse to local computer policy>computer configuration>windows settings>scripts>
Double click startup.
Click add..., and add the vbs file you made. Don't add any parameters. Say OK and OK.
beep.... beep... beep...
And another I heard of a while back:
For the user's most used programs change the icon's target program. i.e.: World of Warcraft shortcut loads Paint.exe.
Anyone got any others? I know there's more out there. Anyone have any experiences?
The most famous one I know of is taking a screenshot of the desktop (with icons), delete all the icons, locking the toolbar, and then setting the background image as the screenshot.
Another cool one I recently read about:
Make a new text file in notepad. Paste:
do while i< 2
set wshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
beep = chr(007)
WshShell.Run "cmd /c @echo " & beep, 0
Wscript.sleep 9000
save as regop32.vbs (or any other srs sounding name) Make sure it is a .vbs and not a .txt, save as *.* all files.
Nowwwww... stick it in your windows folder.
To make it run when the machine is started up:
go to start>run.
Type gpedit.msc
Browse to local computer policy>computer configuration>windows settings>scripts>
Double click startup.
Click add..., and add the vbs file you made. Don't add any parameters. Say OK and OK.
beep.... beep... beep...
And another I heard of a while back:
For the user's most used programs change the icon's target program. i.e.: World of Warcraft shortcut loads Paint.exe.
Anyone got any others? I know there's more out there. Anyone have any experiences?