Alright, this is MY top ten list of my favorite events in every RPG ive played, feel free to compare and contrast. (im not ranking them, just the top 10 heh) *please note that ff3 is Final Fantasy 3, and ff7 is (obviously) final fantasy 7*
1. In FF3, when Kefka poisons Doma Castle, and proceeds to make the most evil laugh from any RPG that is out today.
2. FF7, When Sephiroth jumps from the ceiling to stab Aeris, one of the more touching moments in any game I have played.
3. When Kefka goes crazy and kills General Leo, General Leo is a very likeable character, he has honor, and yet dies by the hands of Kefka (this is one of the reasons Kefka is the evilest son of a bitch Character from any games, hes just an asshole :P)
4. In FF7, When you find out the true story of Red XXI's father, in Cosmo Canyon (he had been told his father ran away from a battle, when in fact he had saved the villiage)
5. In The Secret of Mana, when the Fortress of Mana is raised from the ocean, dooming all of mankind to suffer the wrath of the manabeast (which you end up killing it has like 999999 hp and you only do like 9999 damage to it at most, so its a big pain in the ass, but still kinda shocking and whatnot)
6. In ff3, At the end of the ghost train, when Cyan has to say goodbye forever who his wife and child who were poisoned by kefka in Doma Castle.
7. In ff3, When you first appear on the veldt and meet Gau, There is a hilarious scene between Cyan and Gau where Gau keeps calling Cyan Mr. Thou and Cyan gets pissed
8. In ff3, When Shadow appears from nowhere on the floating island and pushes the three statues into odd positions causing the magic flow between them to get changed, which sorta.. blows up the world. But the cool thing about that is that Shadow was sorta a.. character for hire sorta person, and he decides to help.
9. The couple of BADASS scenes with the weapons in ff7, this was the cutting edge folks, even today the graphics on them are amazing, both the scene where he is shooting at the tower, and the one when he is awakened in the mountains, just simply amazing.
10. And Finally, the scene in ff7, where Genova escapes and the hallways are full of bloody streaks and smears, and you find President Shinra Sr. with a very long thin sword through his stomache, (hmm interesting)
Now then, Most of these are from ff series, because well thats the best series of RPG's,
1. In FF3, when Kefka poisons Doma Castle, and proceeds to make the most evil laugh from any RPG that is out today.
2. FF7, When Sephiroth jumps from the ceiling to stab Aeris, one of the more touching moments in any game I have played.
3. When Kefka goes crazy and kills General Leo, General Leo is a very likeable character, he has honor, and yet dies by the hands of Kefka (this is one of the reasons Kefka is the evilest son of a bitch Character from any games, hes just an asshole :P)
4. In FF7, When you find out the true story of Red XXI's father, in Cosmo Canyon (he had been told his father ran away from a battle, when in fact he had saved the villiage)
5. In The Secret of Mana, when the Fortress of Mana is raised from the ocean, dooming all of mankind to suffer the wrath of the manabeast (which you end up killing it has like 999999 hp and you only do like 9999 damage to it at most, so its a big pain in the ass, but still kinda shocking and whatnot)
6. In ff3, At the end of the ghost train, when Cyan has to say goodbye forever who his wife and child who were poisoned by kefka in Doma Castle.
7. In ff3, When you first appear on the veldt and meet Gau, There is a hilarious scene between Cyan and Gau where Gau keeps calling Cyan Mr. Thou and Cyan gets pissed

8. In ff3, When Shadow appears from nowhere on the floating island and pushes the three statues into odd positions causing the magic flow between them to get changed, which sorta.. blows up the world. But the cool thing about that is that Shadow was sorta a.. character for hire sorta person, and he decides to help.
9. The couple of BADASS scenes with the weapons in ff7, this was the cutting edge folks, even today the graphics on them are amazing, both the scene where he is shooting at the tower, and the one when he is awakened in the mountains, just simply amazing.
10. And Finally, the scene in ff7, where Genova escapes and the hallways are full of bloody streaks and smears, and you find President Shinra Sr. with a very long thin sword through his stomache, (hmm interesting)
Now then, Most of these are from ff series, because well thats the best series of RPG's,