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Abortion talk

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  • Abortion talk

    Flion> vys whats having sex with a condom like?
    Flion> in your own words
    Aimbot> i dont use condom
    vys> having a shower with a coat on
    Flion> ^
    Hercules> LOL
    Flion> thats why his girl is knocked up lol!
    Hercules> HIGH FIVE VYS
    Hercules> wait rly?
    vys> hi5
    Flion> or was
    vys> not anymore
    vys> with sum1 else
    Hercules> abortion ?
    vys> thats like so 1 yr old
    Hercules> god
    vys> ye
    Flion> he got her to abort it
    Galleleo> !
    Galleleo> wow
    vys> if u get a kid get rid
    Baltic> LOL
    Flion> lol VYS

    Abortions endorsed by Vys, it must be right! right?
    2:Crunchy Nut> some say he never blinks
    2:Audit> some say he hasn't had a bowel movement in 10 years
    2:Crunchy Nut> all we know is
    2:Crunchy Nut> he's called FLION
    1:FarScape> i was about to go out for a date
    1:FarScape> and she got pms
    1:Melanoma> private messages?
    1:FarScape> no
    1:FarScape> psm?
    1:FarScape> how does it called
    1:ajks> PMSsing
    1:FarScape> what women have ever month
    1:Melanoma> bloody vagina?
    1:FarScape> yea
    1:FarScape> lol
    1:FarScape> didnt want to say that
    1: Davie> its so disappointing
    1: Davie> when you get a message on a dating site
    1: Davie> and find out the person who sent it is either fat, ugly, or both
    1: Davie> ten ton tess who describes herself as average build
    1: Davie> you wanna message back saying "what fucking mirror did you look in"
    1:Undercut> ROFL

  • #2

    Not only am I anti-pro-life, I'm also anti-pro-choice. The baby still dies and we (us dominant males) will take their choice away.
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


    • #3
      I'm pro-choice until there is a prudent solution involved in getting the babies adopted or taken care of by the states.

      I am Catholic, but vary day by day where I stand by when life begins. It's a very complicated issue and a lot of politicians don't have the time to explain their full belief of where and why they stand by their choice on the issue.

      It's the least of our world's issues though, more children are dieing because of other causes than those that are aborted.

      There needs to be more funding and focus on contraceptives around the world than on abortions in 1st world countries.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Noah View Post
        I lol'd.

        But yeah, I'm one of those few Christians out there who are pro-choice. But only when it comes to extreme cases of incest and rape (which counts for less than 1% of abortions, fyi) - in other cases, please use a tire. Ok kids?
        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
        TelCat> i dont


        • #5
          love that pic

          women who are usually for abortion are mainly modern and career-minded, which probably means they have no religious views on the subject.. and so they're trying to concentrate on their own lives and feel like they're not tied down to someone else. those are the women who get married in their very late 30's and have just ONE kid at an unhealthy age in their mid 40's prob.
          5:Kaiten> Flat out, life sucks =P
          5:VaGINa> ...Was your mom a Beaver, Cause Dam Girl
          5:Miami Chick> life is a chill boat ride with a couple of rocks and waterfalls
          5:Miami Chick> rofl
          5:Lumber> and a hurricane
          5:Kaiten> rofl
          5:Miami Chick> lol thanks lumber -.-
          5:Lumber> named Hurricane Herpes
          5:Kaiten> loooool
          5:Lumber> hahaha
          5:Miami Chick> l o l.

          1:Mango.> i hit a black girl in the head with a bouncy ball today


          • #6
            I don't think the baby should be born if the parents don't want it as I doubt that baby would be properly cared for.


            • #7
              Originally posted by PaulOakenfold View Post

              It's the least of our world's issues though, more children are dieing because of other causes than those that are aborted.

              There needs to be more funding and focus on contraceptives around the world than on abortions in 1st world countries.
              Just did a quick google search to get the rough stats.

              Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million
              Every year 15 million children die of hunger

              Just saying, it's kind of a bigger deal than most people think.

              And ever since contraceptives have become mainstream, the AIDs rate has exploded. Look at Africa, as contraception became prevelent there, the AIDs rate got up astronomically high. Maybe that's a coincidence, but I definitely don't think so.
              JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

              turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

              Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
              the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


              • #8
                Originally posted by the_paul View Post
                Maybe that's a coincidence, but I definitely don't think so.
                You're joking with us right? This is a serious discussion, not racist conspiracies UC talk.


                • #9
                  i dont think he was meaning to make a racist comment, paul.
                  5:Kaiten> Flat out, life sucks =P
                  5:VaGINa> ...Was your mom a Beaver, Cause Dam Girl
                  5:Miami Chick> life is a chill boat ride with a couple of rocks and waterfalls
                  5:Miami Chick> rofl
                  5:Lumber> and a hurricane
                  5:Kaiten> rofl
                  5:Miami Chick> lol thanks lumber -.-
                  5:Lumber> named Hurricane Herpes
                  5:Kaiten> loooool
                  5:Lumber> hahaha
                  5:Miami Chick> l o l.

                  1:Mango.> i hit a black girl in the head with a bouncy ball today


                  • #10
                    Maybe not, it just reminded me of a couple of days ago:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by the_paul View Post
                      Just did a quick google search to get the rough stats.

                      Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million
                      Every year 15 million children die of hunger

                      Just saying, it's kind of a bigger deal than most people think.

                      And ever since contraceptives have become mainstream, the AIDs rate has exploded. Look at Africa, as contraception became prevelent there, the AIDs rate got up astronomically high. Maybe that's a coincidence, but I definitely don't think so.
                      I don't understand the correlation between using contraceptives and the aids rate going up, that argument to me without hard evidence is more or less grasping at straws.

                      In my opinion condoms aren't what is causing the aids rate to rise, it's the lack of education, money, medicine, and the churches inability to offer people real alternatives other than abstinence
                      it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cops View Post
                        In my opinion condoms aren't what is causing the aids rate to rise, it's the lack of education, money, medicine, and the churches inability to offer people real alternatives other than abstinence
                        5:Kaiten> Flat out, life sucks =P
                        5:VaGINa> ...Was your mom a Beaver, Cause Dam Girl
                        5:Miami Chick> life is a chill boat ride with a couple of rocks and waterfalls
                        5:Miami Chick> rofl
                        5:Lumber> and a hurricane
                        5:Kaiten> rofl
                        5:Miami Chick> lol thanks lumber -.-
                        5:Lumber> named Hurricane Herpes
                        5:Kaiten> loooool
                        5:Lumber> hahaha
                        5:Miami Chick> l o l.

                        1:Mango.> i hit a black girl in the head with a bouncy ball today


                        • #13
                          Contraceptives becoming mainstream has led to a lot more sex being had, with or without condoms (READ: safely or unsafely). I think it's way too much coincidence to say that just because the AIDs rate has risen in proportion to condoms becoming more available and accepted. That's just me personally though. Only 100% way to not get AIDs IS by abstinence. I'm not saying it's practical, I'm just saying.

                          PS: how was my comment racist in any way whatsoever?
                          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                          • #14
                            Huh? AIDS rate has been dropping/steady in the developed world for years now.

                            In the developing world is where AIDS is exploding, but you know what? In the developing world is also where they don't have proper access to contraception either.
                            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                            My anime blog:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                              Huh? AIDS rate has been dropping/steady in the developed world for years now.

                              In the developing world is where AIDS is exploding, but you know what? In the developing world is also where they don't have proper access to contraception either.
                              orly? nice job stating the obvious
                              5:Kaiten> Flat out, life sucks =P
                              5:VaGINa> ...Was your mom a Beaver, Cause Dam Girl
                              5:Miami Chick> life is a chill boat ride with a couple of rocks and waterfalls
                              5:Miami Chick> rofl
                              5:Lumber> and a hurricane
                              5:Kaiten> rofl
                              5:Miami Chick> lol thanks lumber -.-
                              5:Lumber> named Hurricane Herpes
                              5:Kaiten> loooool
                              5:Lumber> hahaha
                              5:Miami Chick> l o l.

                              1:Mango.> i hit a black girl in the head with a bouncy ball today

