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Society and people becoming more bizarre and evil

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  • Society and people becoming more bizarre and evil

    Can you imagine? High School students are now expelled for having Aspirin because the Deans are so robotic and bizarre they interpret that to be part of the "no drug tolerance" policy. can you imagine how bizarre that is and how autistic the deans must be?

    People are now being arrested for feeding the homeless, that was just in the news as well.

    Websites are now doing things like saying you cant have external links because they might hurt people and people need to be protected.

    Everyday there is a new law, rule or tax that is so dumbfounding, that you cant imagine the supposed human beings behind them. The society keeps getting more and more draconian programmed, robotic, evil and strange as every year month and week passes.

    These bizarre people who come up with this crap are destroying life and society because they are mentally ill and tying to impose their mentally ill will on us. they are scumbag garbage people.

    Did you ever think society would become this bizarre and uptight to the point where you cant even imagine the brains of the people who come up with this crap? It is totally insane. The feeding homeless. aspirin and website censorship under the guise of safty and protection are just three examples out of thousands of new bizarre things i have noticed. not to over use the word BIZARRE but this is fuckin Bizarre.

    can anyone else think of more examples of the phenomena im talking about? i gave 3 examples so far. share your experience or something you think of to add to the list

  • #2
    The guy was arrested for feeding the homeless without a permit and being a dick about it to the cops. Of course it's illegal to feed a bunch of people with no regulation because there's no way anyone can tell that you're not some psycho who likes to put razor blades in apple sauce to see what happens to Mr. Homeless.

    Spend less time worrying about the world and more time worrying about why your life sucks (I'm assuming it sucks a lot).


    • #3
      Originally posted by genocidal View Post
      The guy was arrested for feeding the homeless without a permit and being a dick about it to the cops. Of course it's illegal to feed a bunch of people with no regulation because there's no way anyone can tell that you're not some psycho who likes to put razor blades in apple sauce to see what happens to Mr. Homeless.

      Spend less time worrying about the world and more time worrying about why your life sucks (I'm assuming it sucks a lot).

      ok, the first paragraph of your reply is somewhat fair, ill adress the second in a minutes. as for the first, yea, true, but just look how stupid it is to have to have a permit for everything. if thats the way society is going to be it defeats the purpose and makes life so aversive and depressing, that its not worth living anymore. Thus nothing is being defended anymore because the society is already destroyed by over-regulation and people becoming so strange evil and uptight. if society is that regulated, uptight and that depressing, an asteroid then might as well hit earth and kill everyone, so your point is moot. That takes care of your first paragraph.... for the last sentence of your post, thats just dumb. Im worried about myself my worrying about these things. they affect my life and your life. dont be so weak minded and programmed to defend evil. Dont you understand im on your side, why attack me and defend evil, thats like opposite world. hellloooooooooo. jeez

      you really need to realize that things like permits are fraud. red tape and permits and all that have been used for things like making it impossible for most people to run for office, there was a story about this in a news magazine show.

      so you really need to realize that this is a fraud trick against you and the people, not serving a protecting purpose. you need to realize this and stop defending evil.


      • #4
        You could just say "<Insert half-baked criticism of social control>" instead and we'd all get your point.


        • #5
          Originally posted by genocidal View Post
          You could just say "<Insert half-baked criticism of social control>" instead and we'd all get your point.
          when you were replying i edited my reply and added this, so im replying again so you can see it:

          you really need to realize that things like permits are fraud. red tape and permits and all that have been used for things like making it impossible for most people to run for office, there was a story about this in a news magazine show.

          so you really need to realize that this is a fraud trick against you and the people, not serving a protecting purpose. you need to realize this and stop defending evil.


          and no, i dont need to just say <Insert half-baked criticism of social control>. Do you understand, im serious here, this is not a game. I feel helpless. i wish i could do more than just talk to people about it


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tone View Post
            and no, i dont need to just say <Insert half-baked criticism of social control>. Do you understand, im serious here, this is not a game. I feel helpless. i wish i could do more than just talk to people about it
            there's a reason you feel helpless. because you are (not a joke, we all are)

            i suggest you learn to roll with the punches, because the days of getting shit done without greasing political pockets ended a few hundred years ago.

            edit: i don't think it existed.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


            • #7
              Ok, thats a fair reply because it is cynicism more focused toward them than me

              god, students being expelled for aspirin but caffeine inside of drinks and theobormine inside of chocolate is ok....

              you know if the people didnt have such low iqs low intelligence, this wouldnt happen. Obviously the Deans involved in these cases in schools across the country are of low intelligence and no not have a brain that functions properly.

              Hell, they dont even know what Aspirin is, its Acetyl-Salicylic Acid, such a benign simple compound, that you could consider chemicals natural in our body to be more of drug that it is. caffeine / theobromine too. shouldnt students then be expelled for chocolate? its more active then aspirin. what about if a student jogs in gym class and his or her dopamine and adrenaline levels rise, should then then be banned? GHB is contained in all cells of the body, so lets just expel the entire student body.

              god these people are so bizarre and have such low IQs and mental retardation. I bet you these people are so god damn dumb that if a student had a large vitamin pill that was spekled (vitamins look like that, common sense), they would think its a pharmaceutical drug. thats how fucking dumb these people are. they have no right to run a school

              and the government wants to ban home schooling? shit.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tone View Post
                Ok, thats a fair reply because it is cynicism more focused toward them than me

                god, students being expelled for aspirin but caffeine inside of drinks and theobormine inside of chocolate is ok....

                you know if the people didnt have such low iqs low intelligence, this wouldnt happen. Obviously the Deans involved in these cases in schools across the country are of low intelligence and no not have a brain that functions properly.

                Hell, they dont even know what Aspirin is, its Acetyl-Salicylic Acid, such a benign simple compound, that you could consider chemicals natural in our body to be more of drug that it is. caffeine / theobromine too. shouldnt students then be expelled for chocolate? its more active then aspirin. what about if a student jogs in gym class and his or her dopamine and adrenaline levels rise, should then then be banned? GHB is contained in all cells of the body, so lets just expel the entire student body.

                god these people are so bizarre and have such low IQs and mental retardation. I bet you these people are so god damn dumb that if a student had a large vitamin pill that was spekled (vitamins look like that, common sense), they would think its a pharmaceutical drug. thats how fucking dumb these people are. they have no right to run a school

                and the government wants to ban home schooling? shit.
                Let me start with saying aspirin is a painkiller. This said, aspirin taken in large doses increases performance as you can go beyond you usual pain limit. If used as such it is really "doping" and furthermore cause for concern as aspirin is not available over the counter in many countries due to health concerns. Stuff like paracetamol (acetaminophen if you will) is usually called aspirin as well, yet can still be used to enhance performance at the expense of bodily damage. Obviously a low dose if someone is getting over a fever would be ok, but large doses to numb pain of overexertion is a different matter. Instead of having a huge gray area I can imagine they just take the hard line here.
                Furthermore, all drugs mimic certain chemicals in the body so that analogy is a bit unfounded as well. You might as well say taking shitloads of methamphetamine should be legal as well, since, hey, it functions in a similar way as adrenaline does right?

                I totally agree with you that there are more and more rules these days, and I personally agree that two people can work out a viable method without one of them saying "this should be so", but still, there has to be a guideline anyway.
                And people are dumb in general, you and me included. Some are just more retarded than others.
                "... I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost


                • #9
                  Society and people becoming more bizarre and evil

                  it's you


                  • #10
                    simple solution

                    take it to the nurse, leave it in her office, and only come get it when you need it. that's how it worked in my school. they don't allow you to carry an aspirin bottle because for all they know it could be ecstacy. it's a product of ZERO TOLERANCE, which i hate. It's a no-thinking solution to problems of favortism and racism.

                    Think about it, a white kid brings some advil into class and nobody says anything. a black kid brings in a bottle of cough syrup, and gets expelled for robotrippin. later they find out the white kid actually was selling xanax and the teacher just thought it was advil. Now they're in a situation where they jumped the gun on one person (who may or maynot have been doing something wrong) and let slide someone who was actually doing something wrong.

                    it's a liability more than policing students. also school districts are notorious for bending to idiotic parents, and this is just a way to prevent that. he can always go to a district hearing to get reinstated.
                    .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                    .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                    • #11

                      I think the Government Canada coolcats could be arrested for not providing proper homes to the homeless.

                      I think charity for the homeless should be the government's concern.
                      Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Singularity View Post
                        Let me start with saying aspirin is a painkiller. This said, aspirin taken in large doses increases performance as you can go beyond you usual pain limit. If used as such it is really "doping" and furthermore cause for concern as aspirin is not available over the counter in many countries due to health concerns. Stuff like paracetamol (acetaminophen if you will) is usually called aspirin as well, yet can still be used to enhance performance at the expense of bodily damage. Obviously a low dose if someone is getting over a fever would be ok, but large doses to numb pain of overexertion is a different matter. Instead of having a huge gray area I can imagine they just take the hard line here.
                        Furthermore, all drugs mimic certain chemicals in the body so that analogy is a bit unfounded as well. You might as well say taking shitloads of methamphetamine should be legal as well, since, hey, it functions in a similar way as adrenaline does right?

                        I totally agree with you that there are more and more rules these days, and I personally agree that two people can work out a viable method without one of them saying "this should be so", but still, there has to be a guideline anyway.
                        And people are dumb in general, you and me included. Some are just more retarded than others.

                        This is just cases of like 17 year olf HS students with period cramps who are found with Aspirin in their purse, so they have to suffer being treated like a criminal and expelled. There isnt shit you can say to justify this kind of occurrence, unless you LIKE living in a society thats just all bizarre uprightness and evil and are some kind of sadist

                        Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                        take it to the nurse, leave it in her office, and only come get it when you need it. that's how it worked in my school. they don't allow you to carry an aspirin bottle because for all they know it could be ecstacy. it's a product of ZERO TOLERANCE, which i hate. It's a no-thinking solution to problems of favortism and racism.
                        so? people could put the MDMA in a tin of mints or gum, lets ban gum now. see my point? not a valid argument.

                        do you think the past 100 years of school were a mistake and now we are getting it right by expelling people, whereas the past 100 years it would have been no big deal? Dont forget, these kinds of things are NEW. in the year 1950, it would be no big deal if a father picked up his daughter from school and had a rifle in the car. now he would be arrested and tortured as a terrorist. Let alone Aspirin

                        Originally posted by PaulOakenfold View Post
                        it's you
                        fuck you, bitch. You, of course have no original thought or personality, therefore you cant reply anything to my thread except for a two word sentence. Your reply is self explanatory. Everyone knows im not that one expelling students and causing them great suffering for Aspirin. Im not the one tasering people while their handcuffed, then they die of a heart attack. Im not the one on other boards and communities deleting threads that say the federal reserve prints fiat money because of hating the truth and being a propaganda machine. Im not the one saying you have to now pay over a dollar a pack cigarette tax. Im not the one bailing out multinational banks of criminals. Im not the one shouting in a loudspeaker at people walking down the streets in england while closed circuit cameras watch them. Im not the one supporting all kinds of weird shit that keeps making life worse.

                        Originally posted by Material Girl View Post
                        I think the Government Canada coolcats could be arrested for not providing proper homes to the homeless.

                        I think charity for the homeless should be the government's concern.
                        That is correct, Material Girl, make a comment about the GOVERNMENT people being arrested and thrown in jail for a change, rather than benign citizens. They call it the "Criminal Justice System" because the justice system is criminal and corrupt. Judges and prosecutors ought to hope and be glad that Karma doesnt exist, because if it did, they would suffer for the evil and suffering they bestowed upon the population.

                        And people are programmed to think these people are always right just because they wear a robe or a uniform? These are psychopaths. Gen made a comment earlier about how the guy feeding the homeless mouthed off to the police. So the fuck what? you think thats wrong, just because they are police? When evil in a uniform comes to carry out evil, of course some people are going to have NORMAL HUMAN EMOTIONS and mouth off, these are evil people. I bet if i said it was ok for germans, jews and polish to mouth off to SS officers, you would say thats alright. But its some how wrong to mouth off to the evil scumbag pigs who are torturing killing us with tasers and making tens of thousands of false arrests per year? Get out of here genocidal. COME OONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

                        basically what i am saying, and you probably disagree, is that most judges arent qualified to be judges and judge people, most police shouldnt be police, most deans shouldnt be deans, etc. The population is literally mentally ill and to stupid for such responsibilities, but someone has to do it, so it ends up we live in a psychopathic society with psychopaths running and enforcing things, even though they are too stupid and psychopathic to be qualified to do so.

                        i have no respect at all for scum like that, they do not deserve the positions they are in because they are wrong and are failures. but somehow, the population is programmed to believe experts must know what they are talking about, or judges/police/deans/etc must be right. no, they are dumb psychopaths that shouldnt exist.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tone View Post

                          These bizarre people who come up with this crap are destroying life and society because they are mentally ill and tying to impose their mentally ill will on us. they are scumbag garbage people.

                          It's called religion .............
                          Originally Posted by Izor
                          The best solution for this is to simply not play squads who have people caught cheating

                          everyone agree that once the staffers catch someone cheating they wont get to play, instead of evading the ban and rejoining that squad on an alias, then cheating again.
                          Originally Posted by Wark <ER>
                          My thought is, if you even suspect a certain player of cheating, I don't want that sort of attention to my squad, and would probaly blacklist them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tone View Post
                            why attack me and defend evil, thats like opposite world. hellloooooooooo. jeez
                            LOL borderline greatest sentence ever.

                            this is totally something I would have said..totally, i mean the extra long hello, and the jeez ahh just beautiful.
                            4:BigKing> xD
                            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                            4:BigKing> what did i do???
                            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                            4:BigKing> ???? why though
                            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                            4:BigKing> xD


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                              Think about it, a white kid brings some advil into class and nobody says anything. a black kid brings in a bottle of cough syrup, and gets expelled for robotrippin. later they find out the white kid actually was selling xanax and the teacher just thought it was advil
                              Pretty sure Vatican Assassin is the only teacher doing that.
                              1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                              menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                              JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                              1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                              1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.

